In my Mind

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📌 Written by Im_a_weirdoo20

———————— Chapter 5

I don't know what to say to her anymore.

We've been around each other in different places than usual for the past month. First it was a coffeeshop, then it was the park, then there were a few other places.

Why am I thinking and analysing her like a song lyric?

Why is the sound of her laugh, like one of a melody in my mind?

With my notepad open in front of me, and guitar in my lap, I write out the next two lines of what I would like to be our song. Or her song.

'Cause in my mind, she is us. She is my everything, yet she's still not mine.

I want to know all about her, and all about her day.

I want to see her out of these rooms, and more and more.

* * Flashback * *

"You know, when I first met you, I thought you were mean." She tells me.

We just caught up for a coffee. It's been a week since we met, and we've been talking non-stop. We just get along so well.

"And why's that, Penelope?"

"Well, you came up to me, and no one ever approached me, unless it's to make fun of me, or play a prank on me. But then you actually talked to me, and genuinely wanted to know about me. So, I knew you were different."

"Well, I'm sorry people did that to you in the past. But it's different here. Everyone's nice. I mean, all my friends are, and everyone else I've met is." I give her a small reassuring smile.

She's drinking hot chocolate, and she takes a sip. I'm drinking coffee, black, and so I take a sip.

I can see her visibly cringe as I do this.

"I take it you hate coffee?" I ask her.

"I don't understand how you like it? I mean, I would accept it if you actually drank it with milk, to make it less bitter, I wouldn't drink it, but it would be acceptable. But you're just drinking it black, that's just weird."

"Wow. You insult coffee, then you insult me."

She laughs at me, and I'm mesmerised.

I would like to record that sound and play it over and over again in my head, or play it on speakers all around the world for everyone to hear, because God damn, it's amazing.

"You know, we should hang out more often." I tell her.

"You think?" she asks.

"Why wouldn't I want to hang out with a beautiful woman?"

"Oh stop. You flatter me too much"

* * End of Flashback * *

I laugh to myself. This girl has been stuck in my head.

"Just call her."

Jesus, that scared the shit out of me.

I turn around and find my friend, Micah, behind me.

"Call who?" I ask him.

"The girl that you're sneaking around with."

"What makes you say I'm sneaking around with a girl?"

"Or a guy. I don't discriminate." I look at him confusingly,

"It's obvious you have been. We live next door from one another dumbass. Plus, you've been sneaking away from us all a bit more than usual lately, and Trev said he saw you talking to a girl the other day. Oh, and also, you haven't written music in ages, yet here you are, with a pen and a notepad with lyrics on it in front of you."

"What are you, a detective?"

"I'm a criminology major, dumbass. So, who is she?"

"I'm not telling you anything, Bloom."

"Fine, have it your way dude. But seriously, just call her."

"Ok, but, just give me some privacy, would ya?"


And he just leaves my room.

God damnit. Alright, here goes nothing.

I find her contact in my phone, and hold it up to my ear.

It starts ringing.

"Hey Smartass." She answers the phone.

"Hello to you too, Pen."

"What's up?"

"Well, my stupid friend is getting very suspicious of me, and he wants me to get out of the apartment. So, I was wondering, do you want to go out tonight?"

"Are you asking me out, Oliver Cunningham Jr?"

"Maybe I am. Is that a yes or a no?"

"It's a yes, Ollie."

"Cool beans. Meet me at the coffee shop doors at 7 tonight. we're gonna go dancing. at the new club in the city"

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