Love and it's ways

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📌 Written by me

———————— Chapter 32

Love, the greatest and most powerful force on earth. We can't live without it, it's the only thing we know how to do.

Everyone was born with the ability to love. That was sure, but was it possible to lose this ability?

Love is the reason our hearts beat faster, our breath quickens, and our souls sing with joy.

It's the reason we laugh, the reason we chuckle and giggle. It's the reason we laugh, or most genial laughter.

The great mystery is the reason we blush so uncontrollably, not when we feel embarrassed, but when we feel seen.

When the person who'd you die for, sees you,

Love is what makes life worth living, and it's what gives us the strength to endure even the toughest of challenges.

Penelope knew that all too well, how she cried in front of him, telling him her greatest mistakes and her biggest fears.

Telling everything because she knew he was the only one who would be able to tell her to keep going so that she actually does so.

He didn't say he was sorry, he asked how he could help. He gave her strength, and he is gone, because of her and only her.

When you're in love, you feel invincible, like nothing can stand in your way. You're willing to do anything to make your beloved happy, even if it means sacrificing your own desires and needs.

That's what she did, didn't she? Let all her happiness behind, so he could have his best friends.

That's just what you do when you have an Oliver. He will care for you, will get you ice cream and your favorite drink.

He will dance with you in the rain and let you shower afterward. He will give you his clothes and he will respect your needs.

He will be there for you, push you out of your comfort zone, but always stay close for comfort.

He is your comfort zone. So when it's time to choose you or him, you will choose him, at least Penelope did.

Did she regret it? Yes. The second she said the words, she wanted to go back in time. But also no.

He might be sad now, but when it's time for him to heal, he will be happier than ever. And she'll watch.

Love is so amazing, right? All this astounding things it makes you see, feel and do.

Yet, love can also be the source of great pain and heartache. We all know that.

It doesn't have to be a relationship that hurt you, tool all your love from you, it can be a parent that did care a little too less, a father who did like you a little too much.

One moment, you're on top of the world, giddy with happiness and joy. The next, your world comes crashing down, leaving you feeling empty and alone.

The worst thing is, that there is no way of getting ready for said moment.

It will happen randomly, when you don't see it coming.

But even in those moments of pain and despair, love still has a way of finding a way back into our lives. It's the force that keeps us going, the reason we never give up on finding that special someone who completes us.

When she ran away from her first love, she thought her life was over, she had loved all her love and experienced all the pain.

The brunette always thought everyone had one great love story and everything after or before didn't count.

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