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📌 Written by the smartass, Im_a_weirdoo20

———————— Chapter 27

"Ok. This is going to be a weird thing for us all to talk about, and that is why Oliver and I are here, guys." Ava says as she looks between Trvor and George, before she nods to me.

"Where do we start?" Trvor says, as he tries to look anywhere, but at George.  "Well.. I was wanting to start with asking you, why were you ignoring me? It's been almost 2 months." George questions him.

"Well. I had liked you for a while at the time, and I was so happy that something was happening between us. But the next day, you just dismissed everything I was trying to tell you about the night before. I was almost in love with you at the time, and that just made it more awkward for me when we were always talking with eachother. And here we are, finally talking about it."

Trevor looks at George, and I could see the slightest glint of water pooling up in his eyes.  "Trev.." George says softly.

"I- I don't know what to say to you right now, to be fully and completely honest with you. I wish this were a book, and I didn't have to think of these words myself, but here we are, in the real world. You do know I have/had a crush on you too, right?"

"Do you even remember that night?" Trevor whispers out, I can see him, trying to maintain his eye contact with George.  "Of course, I do! No one has ever made me feel the way you do. No one compares to you, Trev. I know I goof around a lot, but that's to hide my true feelings, and Oliver might have noticed this, but I'm mre goofier with you, because I don't know how to at when I'm around you." Trevor turns to me, "It's true. He does." I agree.

For a second, there's a silence, not comfortable but not uncomfortable.  None of us know what should be said, none of us know where this should go from here.

Then we hear a knock on my door, and we all turn our heads to the door from our positions on the couch.  "Are we expecting anyone?" Ava questions me as she turns to me.

"Nope. Give me a second." I say to them as I get up from my seat. I walk up to the door, and open it slightly. Its her. "Hey." I tell her as I let a small smile enter my face. "Hey, are you busy?"

"Uh, yeah, I am actually. Why, what's wrong?"

"I can't find Ava, and I just wanted someone to hang out with."

"Ok, well she's in here, I'll go get her."

"Really? She's in there?"


"Ok then.."

"Give me a second." I walk away from the door, and I walk out to the others. "Hey Ava, Blue's here, she needs you for a second." She gives me a puzzled look before realisation clicks in, that im talking about Penelope. "Oh, of course." She turns to the others

"I'll be 2 seconds guys." The two boys nod their head at her, before she goes to my door, and goes out into the hall. "So, I have a question for the 2 of you." I say as I stand to the side of both of them, and they look up at me.

"How do you guys feel about each other now?" They slowly move their eyes away from me, to look at each other.George opens and closes his mouth, as if contemplating whether or not he should say what he wants to say. And Trevor, he just watches him. "I mean... I'd be open to trying us out." George speaks quietly.

"So would I..." Trevor responds to him.

"So, is that it?" I ask them both, "Is there anything else that needs to be said?"

"Sorry for bailing on you at the ball thing a few months back."

"It's alright, I got to hear him sing to a girl, and sing with his girlfriend. It was actually kinda sweet."

"I wish I was there now!"

"I have a video of it on my phone if you want to see it." And George gets up, and sits next to Trev, so he can show him the videos. I slowly begin to back away to the door, so I can exit my own apartment, to give those two some space. I see that Ava and Blue are in the hallway sat by my door, just talking. I take a seat on the floor in front of Blue, and I get her attention by grabbing a hold of her hands lightly.

"Hey." She says. "Hey." We just hold each other hands and eyes, smiling at one another.

"Oliver, what happened?" Ava asks me, making me break my eye contact with my girlfriend.  "Well, they are going to try them out, and they are now watching videos of me singing at the ball, and me singing with Pen at the ball."

"Wait- there is actual video evidence of it?" she questions me.  "Yes, it's very lovely singing on your part, so you should feel ashamed or embarrassed."


"Nope. Don't deny it."


A few hours later, I'm sat in the coffee house, waiting for the new girl to be done with my order.  Coffee. Black.  She calls it out, and I take my cup, from the counter, and I thank the barista, before I start my walk to the door.

I open the door to exit the building, and as I walk out, someone walks right into me, making me spill my steaming hot coffee all over myself.

"OMG! I'm so so sorry." The blond girl in front of me says to me as she stares down at my new empty and lidless cup.   "It's fine, really. It wasn't that good anyway." I tell her, making a joke of the situation.

"Ok, well, please, let me buy you another, as an apology."

"It's fine, really."

"Well, then I owe you one. I really am sorry. I just transferred here from one of the Australian Universities, and I'm really new to this area." She tells me, using her hands a lot.

"Don't worry, I know how you feel. I moved here from Australia too, so I know how you feel."

"OMG! Finally, another Aussie. Could we maybe meet up sometime soon, just so then I have someone to talk to about campus and ask for advise."

"I mean, sure."

"Can I grab your number then?" she asks me.  "Smooth." I say to her, as she grabs out her phone and puts my number in, "My names Oliver by the way."

"The names Antoinette."

"Cool. Message me whenever you need a helping hand around campus, or if you need anything at all."

"Thank you Oliver. It's good to know there are at least some friendly people here."

"Yeah, its not a problem. But, I have to go now, gotta go meet up with my girl. But, ill see you around, don't be a stranger. "

"Thanks." She says to me, and I tilt my head down at her, and make my way out the door to go meet up with Pen.  The walk to her apartment seems to be smaller than usual, and as soon as I reach her building, I go upstairs and knock on her door.

"Hey, Smartass. What took you so long?"

"Someone ran into me at the coffee shop."

"That's kinda funny."

"No, it's not. Oh, and I met an Australien down there who was new to town, so it'll be an adventure teaching her the ways of the American's."


Happy six month anniversary <3

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