3 different places

3 1 0

📌 Written by my smartass, Im_a_weirdoo20  :)

———————— Chapter 21

"Dude, have you told her yet?" George asks me. We are currently sitting at the coffee shop. Penelope was saying goodbye to her parents, because they were heading back home today, so, George and I went to get coffee.

"No, it's way too early. And plus, you know how telling someone too early has affected me badly in the past."

"Dude, this is Penelope we are talking about. We are not talking about him. Or her." 

"Yeah, I know, but you've gotta understand where I'm coming from, right?"

"Yes, of course I understand. Having been, what you've been through, it wasn't easy."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But let's talk about you for a second. What is going on with you and her roommate, Ava?"

"Nothing is happening. She's just... giving me advice on something."

"May I ask what that is on?"

"Well.... You know how Trevor asked you to go to the ball instead of him going, and he didn't give you a reason?" I nod my head, "Well.... The reason is... because, we may have, hooked up."

 "WHaT?" I silently scream at him. "I know. And we were supposed to go as friends, with a date each, but then we spent a night together... And it got awkward."

"Wait-so then why are you spending so much time with Ava?"

"That's because I told him that I liked her, to make him jealous, and she knows about this, so we've become friends."

"Well... this is deffinatly news to me."

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you weeks ago, but I decided against it."I mean, I would've understood if he didn't tell me. I mean, this is the first person he's fucked that ISN'T a professor. Or the principle. But we won't get into that.

"Well, now I know, and am glad you were comfortable enough to tell me."

"I am too."


Oh, and I don't even know your middle name But I don't care, girl (I don't care)

Our love is weird

Our love is oozing with chemistry

Your writing holds my heart And your messages, hold it more'

That's right, folks, I wrote her another song. And I'm about to play it for her. I had just finished recording it onto my phone, just to set it as my alarm and ringtone for her.

I'm about to go to her place, and play her this song. Which means, a 15-min walk with my 6 string on my back. I get to her place in no time.

I knock on her door, and there she is. Hair half up, half down. No make-up. Big round glasses. And a smile that makes my heart melt.

"Hi, Little Blue bird." I whisper out to her, thankful to seen her face.

"Smartass." She nods at me, and she steps out of the doorway, allowing me to enter her apartment.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure for of this visit?"

"Well, I wrote you a song."

"Another one?"

"Yes, Blue."

"Ok, let's go into my room."I nod my head, and remove my acoustic from my back, before I follow her to the room I know so well of.

"Let's here it." She smiles at me from her computer chair, while I sit on her bed. "Just remember, it's a work in progress... Maybe."

''3 months Is how long its taken me To fall in love with your style

And with who you are Oh

And I don't even know your middle name

But I don't care, girl (I don't care)

Our love is weird Our love is oozing with chemistry

Your writing holds my hear And your messages, hold it more I hide behind my songs and poems, 

But you haven't noticed yet, girl I am who I am, and I love to spoil you

You are you are, and ill never forget you.

Oh, and I don't even know your middle name

But I don't care, girl (I don't care)

Our love is weird

Our love is oozing with chemistry

Your writing holds my hear And your messages, hold it more

Oh oh oh Weird oozing love

Is what we have Weird oozing love

And chemistry

Oh, and I don't even know your middle name

But I don't care' girl (I don't care)

Our love is weird Our love is oozing with chemistry

Your writing holds my hear

And your messages, hold it more'

"Thoughts?" I ask her, as I look up at her. She gets up off of her chair, and walks on over towards me.

She takes the guitar out of my hands, and places it gently against the bed, all before straddling my lap.

"I loved it, lover boy." She whispers out to me, as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Yeah, don't call me that." I whisper back.

"Why not? Is it secretly a turn on?"

"Why don't you find out, Penelope."

"Oh, you have no idea how much I want to, but I have a lot of work to do, Oliver." She tries to get up, but my arms are already around her waist, holding her body closer to mine.

"Uh uh uh. Not without a kiss first, MY little blue bird." She laughs lightly at me, before giving me a quick peck on the lips, and I slowly let go of her. She movers herself from my lap, and back onto her chair, to turn around and do more work.

"Would you like me to stay or go?" I ask her.

"I can't afford a distraction right now, so if you don't mind. But I promise you, as soon as I can, I'll call you, and ill come over and we can cuddle. Deal?"

"Deal." I say back, moving towards her door. I close the door to her room behind me, and I lean my head against it, before whispering out to it,

"te amo, little blue bird." I sigh, then turn around, and am faced with Ava, her roommate.

"Yes?" I ask her.

"George told me he told you."

"Yes, yes he did."

"Did he tell you that he was in love with him?" 


Can we imagine I didn't publish this nine hours later than I should and just focus on how amazing Trv's writing is?  

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