Somewhere new

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📌 Written by my smartass, Im_a_weirdoo20

———————— Chapter 17

"THE LIPS I USED TO CALL HOME, SO SCARLET, IT WAS MAROON!" I scream along to the new Taylor Swift album, Midnights. My new favourite tracks are Maroon and Paris, because they are just so good.

I really want to go to Paris one day, I would wanna do the whole cliché marriage proposal at midnight in front of the tower. I think that's my ideal way to propose to someone, but if I ever did propose to My Little Blue Bird, my love, then I don't care where I do it.

Why am I thinking about marriage?

I haven't even told a girl I love her yet.

Guys on the other hand, I did say those 3 words to my ex-boyfriend, then he broke my heart. I don't recommend getting broken up with, because you got into a school halfway across the world, and he didn't want to do long distance.

He broke up with me the day before I left, which made it easier for me at the airport to leave, from Australia to America. What a trip that was. I cried all the way.

Anyway, enough of my sad pathetic life, let's get back to Taylor Swift, Midnights. Ugh, Would've Could've Should've gets me all in my fees.

"I WOULD'VE STAYED ON MY KNEES, AND I DAMN SURE NEVER WOULD'VE DANCED WITH THE DEVIL. AT NINETEEN, AND THE GOD'S HONEST TRUTH IS THAT THE PAIN WAS HEAVEN".I'm singing so loudly, that I don't even hear my front door open, the footsteps enter my kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Pen asks me through her giggles.

"Oh good, you came! I have something for you."I jump around my kitchen, and go into my bathroom.

"Sorry, I haven't taken my ADHD meds yet, my mind's doing somersaults into the middle of the ocean from a plane."

"You're fine. Now, what is this thing you need to give me?"I walk out of my bathroom, and into my bedroom, and pull out my little box wrapped in blue wrapping paper.

"Here." I give her the box, and watch her unwrap it.

"Oliver... This is amazing. When did you get this?" She looks up at me, with pure joy in her eyes.

"I got it a couple of days ago, after our little movie date." She picks up the necklace with the little blue bird on it, and inspects it closer.

"Do you want me to put it on you?" I ask her as I step closer to her. She hands me the piece of jewelry, and spins around, so she's facing my mirror. I place it around her neck, and I can feel her shover under my touch as I place it on her.

"Do you like it?" I whisper into her ear, while my hands and arms go around her waist. "I love it." I kiss her shoulder lightly.

"Want to see something cool?" I ask her softly. She nods her head slightly.

"Of course."I hook my finger around one of the hoops in her jeans, and spin her around to face me. I lift up my hand, with my newest ring I got for myself. It's blue. She smiles down at it.

"Oliver Cunningham Jr. Did you get yourself a blue ring because of me?" she asks me.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"God, I hate you."

"No, you don't."

"Yeah, you're right."


Have you guys ever had the urge to just push your significant other up against a wall, and furiously and passionately make out with them? Or is it just me?

Well, I'm having that urge right now, as we stand in this new bookstore we found, called 'Somewhere New'. I like it here.

I watch as her eyes just skim the books, and as her lips curl into a smile when she finds a specific author, or book. It's cute. "How many books am I allowed to get again?" she asks me.

I look down at the 10 already in my hands, piled up to my chest. "As many as you please." I smile at her.

Ok, you might be wondering how I'm paying for this, right? Well, I own a small business, no one knows, not my family, not little blue bird, no one...I like to paint guitars, or any instrument you want me to.

And I get a little bit of money from my parents every month, because they think I'm struggling. I should tell them about my business, shouldn't I?

I can feel two more books being added to the pile, before she looks up at me, "I think I'm done... for now."

She giggles at the end.

God, I lo-Nope, nope, nope, nope.I gotta stop saying that only after the 3rd month of dating. It's always ended badly.

"Ok. Let's go and pay for... these." I say, gesturing to the register with the books in my arms. I place them onto the counter, and I greet the person behind it.

"Just these ones today?" he asks.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Ok, those all come to a total of.... $220 today." I end up paying for all of that, and I walk out of the store carrying all three of the bags out of the store.

"Come on, let's get these back to your apartment." I say to her as we walk back to campus.

We reach her place, and we get inside before it starts raining. Did I mention these were all hardcover copies? Yeah, so they could get damaged in the rain. We walk our way up the stairs, and into her apartment.

"Come on, Ava's out, so we can just chill in my room."

She guides me into her room, and I place the bags in the corner of her floor. I walk up to her and slide my hands around her waist, so then hers can go around my neck.


"Hey." She replies as she giggles softly.

"How can I ever repay you for buying me those books?"

"Well, I can think of a few things..." I say down to her, with a smirk playing on my lips.

"Oh, shut up." I lean down, and kiss her, hard. My hands roam down her thighs, and I hoist her up and wrap her legs around my legs.

Our kisses turn sloppy, and then they find a rhythm. I walk forwards a bit, until she is only just hovering above her desk. I let her down gently, and my hands lightly rest on her hips.

I move my tongue across her lips, asking for permission for entrance.

Consent is important, kiddies.

She opens her mouth, access granted.

My tongues begins to roam her mouth, going through all of its corners. She moans softly in my mouth, and I pull away from her, letting us both catch our breaths.

"Penelope..." I say out of breath.

"Oliver..." she says back to me.

I pick her back up by her thighs, and I throw her onto the bed, hearing a squeal leave her lips.

That day was fun. This whole year is fun. Everything we do together, is fun.


I love everything about this chapter. Im_a_weirdoo20 's writing is just amazing.

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