Chapter 25: Moving in

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It's been about a week since Hermione and Ginny moved into the appartment situated in the shop square. It's a very modern appartment. Hermione's floor is situated at the very top, where she could see whole Diagon Alley and even a bit of the sea in the distance. The appartmemt is a brilliant shade of grey with bright red doors.

"I'm so tired of shopping!" Ginny exclaimed wiping her forehead with her hand.
"Well we have nothing to wear so we need to buy new clothes, don't we Harry?" Hermione said brightly, twirling the shopping bags around. "Plus we have to buy stuff for our home Gin!"
"Alright, alright..." Ginny said, letting out a long sigh.
"Look, were almost there anyway!"

After a few minutes the three of them arrived at the appartment.
They went up the lift, pressing on the button that said: "30"
Usually it would take a normal lift a long time to make it up to the 30th floor but when magic was involved it happend in a few seconds.
Hermione's appartment wasn't too big. It had a cosy living room to the right of the entrance with big windows which looked out to whole Diagon Alley.
To the left was the kitchen situated and a dining space. Inbetween the kitchen and the livingroom you had a hallway leading to the 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 1 storage room. The appartment was filled with big windows which caused alot of daylight to come pouring in, which Hermione adored.
Hermione and Ginny already bought 3 scarlet couches and many shelfs stacked with books. They also bought everything for the bedrooms, the bathrooms and the dining space. It was beautiful. But there was one missing piece to the house. Draco. Oh, she missed him so much. He has been contacting her through the necklace he gave her. He is currently staying in his parents mansion which is heavily guarded and his parents weren't in it anyway. But Hermione doubted he was alright. She just couldn't tell him she was pregnant. Not this way. She had to see him. Because the fact that she was pregnant she also couldn't look for the ingredients for the potion that will make Draco's mark dissapear. He said he was searching for them on his own, but she doubted he made any real process.

"Where should i put the bags?" Harry asked disrupting Hermione's thoughts. She looked at him for a while and said nothing. She took him all in, from the emerald green eyes to the messy black hair. She felt a longing to hug someone, and not just someone. Her best friend.
"Hermio-" Harry was about to repeat but he got cut off when Hermione swingen herself into his arms while she burst out crying.
"I'm sorry Harry, it's just that you're such a good friend and i've never thanked you for it! Everything you did, was for me. How good i ever thank you? Merlin, i love you so much, thank you Harry for being my best friend!!!" She sobbed, pressing her face into his shoulder.
"I-I love you too, Hermione. You're my best friend as well." Harry said bewildered at this sudden burst of emotion.

"Harry, what are we--?" Ginny said but stopped suddenly seeing Hermione and Harry.
"Oh Merlin, did she burst out crying again?" She asked concerned, watching her two friends closely.
"Wait, 'again'? When has she been crying?" Harry asked, patting Hermione's head.
"Well at night. But don't worry, it's normal. Her hormones are just doing stuff to her." Ginny calmly said moving towards Hermione. "Mione, you can let go now.." She carefully said, kind of annoyed by the fact that she was clinging onto her boyfriend like it was a matter of life or death. Hermione finally let Harry go, revealing a big wet area on his shoulder.
"Oh sorry, Harry!" She casually said like nothing happend and grabbed the bags, walking to her bedroom.
"That was pretty weird..." Harry muttered.

So it's been a long while since i updated the story, but here you go! I'm also planning on writing another story which i created. It involves vampires, werewolfs, mermaids, kingdoms and many more things i won't tell you guys yet! The first chapter should be up in this week or next week.
Thanks for your support guys and keep being awesome!

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