Chapter 23: Trouble

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"WHAT?!" Hermione yelled.

"I-It says it! The spell says you're pregnant!" Ginny replied, her eyes popping.

"I.. I cant be! Not now!!" Hermione said, letting out a yelp of pain.

"Oh Merlin, Hermione..." Harry said sadly, letting him drop himself next to his best friend. "It will be alright Hermione..."


"I'm taking her to Sint-Mungo's. I'm sorry Hermione but we will have to apparate..." Ginny said before grabbing Hermione's hand and apparating away with a pop.


Ginny's ears were filled with Hermione's screams. Apparating to Sint-Mungo's was a long way and she was afraid she couldn't be able to make it. She finally stopped halfway through.

They landed on a open field in the middle of nowhere.

"AHHH!!" Hermione screamed clutching her stomach. "Why does it hurt so much???!!"

"It's normal Hermione, the first month is always the worst.." Ginny calmly said.

"I-I want to go... I need to go to the hospital!" Hermione hissed, grabbing Ginny's arm and forcing her to apparate.

They both landed with a pop in the middle of a hallway.

"GET A WHEELCHAIR FOR HER!" Ginny yelled at a healer at the secretary. She looked annoyed by the tone Ginny was using but quickly regained herself. She ran over to a broom closet and pulled out a wheelchair. Hermione immediatly sat on it and before she knew it the wheelchair was transporting itself with a fast speed towards a room upstairs.

Another healer was already waiting upstairs in a room and took Hermione in.

She gently put Hermione down on the bed and started taking out potions from her bag.

Hermione yelled, clutching her stomach.

"Drink this, it will help reduce the pain." The healer said quickly handing her the potion.

Hermione took it and gulped it down, reliefing the pain.

"T-Thank you." Hermione muttered.

The healer quickly left. After a second Ginny stormed in followed by Harry and Ron.

"It's his baby..." Hermione whispered. A tear rolled down her cheek.

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door. A healer came in, with an orange bubbling potion.

"How are you miss Granger?" She kindly asked. Hermione noticed her name was Finity, since it said it on her name tag.

"I'm fine." Hermione quickly said, wiping away her tears.

"Good to hear. Well, it seems that you are indeed pregnant and you will be alright. This potion will help you feel better and surpress the pain." The healer said, handing the potion over at Hermione.

Hermione gladly took it and gulped it down, handing the empty bottle back.

She immediatly felt her insides relax. She could no longer feel the pain.

"You are allowed to go back home if you like." Finity said, leaning on the wall.

"Thank you." Hermione said, making clear she could leave.

Finity left a second later leaving a silence behind.

Ron cast a silencing charm around the room, and sat back down.

"Where are we gonna go?" Ginny asked nervously.

"We could rent an appartment in Diagon Alley." Hermione said.

"Yeah, we could live together so i can take care of you." Ginny said calmly.

"I can take care of myself! Do you think im that weak?!" Hermione defended herself.

"Do you think i will leave you alone after this? No way!" Ginny said caringly.

Hermione concidered this. What if her stomach hurt again? She wont we able to take care of herself. What if she faints? She would not want to bring her baby in danger! She would be a good mother.

"Okay." Hermione said unsurely.

She got up and grabbed her purple purse.

"Lets go." Ginny said grabbing Harry's, Ron's and Hermione's arm. They apparated away with a pop.


They landed in the middle of Diagon Alley, which was like always very busy.

"Lets first visit George, i haven't seen him in a while and he might be able to help us." Ginny said pointing towards a further street.

Ron nodded approvingly. "Okay." They all said in unison.

They started walking towards a further street.

After a few minutes, they caught sight of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. It honestly was an amazing shop. It was 3 floors high and lit with the brightest lights.

They walked in the busy shop. It was filled with people, like always. Some kids in a corner were testing out a strange looking candy which gave them bat ears. Others were simply examining the products.

"Hey guys!" A familiar voice yelled from the stairs.

They turned around and saw George waving at them.

"George!" Ginny smiled, giving him a tight hug.

"Hey gin." He said hugging his one and only sister.

George hugged the others as well, handing them coffee.

"So, what brings you here? I thought you guys should be at Hogwarts?" George questioned.

"Uhh, about that... It's a long story..." Hermione said nervously. "Can we all talk somewhere private?"

"Of course. Oh, Jun-Lee! Can you watch over the shop?" George called over to an asian guy at the counter.

"No problem!!" He called back.

"Well then.. Lets go." George said pointing towards the stairs.

Autor's Note:

Thank you so much for 1k reads! Here is an extra long chapter!

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