Chapter 35: The end

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"I think this room would be good for both of you, miss Granger." Mcgonagall whispered as she opened a door in a deserted hallway, trying not to make a lot of noise. "It's a chamber used for unexpected guests. I have arranged a some extra stuff in your room."

"Thank you, professor." Draco faked a smile, trying to show his gratitude to his old teacher. After all they could get in trouble for keeping him here. The ministry could close Hogwarts down if they knew they gave shelter to Draco Malfoy, the "death eater". Hermione walked in without saying a word and closed the door after Draco had entered. Their room was very nice, Hermione thought. There was a big lounge area at the place they entered, filled with cosy couches, a fireplace, a little kitchen to the left of the lounge, a mini-library at the right hand side and a big desk. There was a big staircase that split into two that led up the bedrooms. There were two separate bedrooms but Hermione knew they would only be needing one. The place was decorated with red, green, yellow and blue, representing the house colours. The curtains were a deep shade of yellow whilst the couches were red. The carpet was a dark green and the decorations on the wall were a light blue.

"I'd rather have this room green." Draco commented, whilst he smirked at Hermione, trying to brighten the mood. Hermione gave him a deadly glance before she lashed out.

"OUR DAUGHTER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED AND ALL YOU THINK ABOUT IS THE GOD DAMN COLOURS OF THIS ROOM?!" Hermione shouted full with rage as she marched over towards Draco. He flinched at the tone she was using and took a step back.

"I'm sorry, Hermione, I just wanted to brighten the mood." Draco innocently whispered, staring deep into Hermione's caramel orbs. She closed her eyes as if she was trying to get rid of an image stuck inside her head.

"Oh, Draco." Hermione burst out, letting herself fall into his arms. Draco caught her without any effort and squeezed her against his chest.

"It's going to be okay, Hermione. Just stay strong." Draco muttered into Hermione's hair. The scent hit him like a truck. It was so familiar. Cinnamon and vanilla. It had a calming effect on him, causing his eyes to droop.


It was dark and cold. The moonlight was covered by the thick gray clouds that were covering the sky as Draco soundlessly slept in his bed. Not long afterwards it started to rain. The droplets made a calming noise from outside the window. Tap, tap, tap.

Draco's arm was firmly holding onto Hermione's waist. His head was buried in her neck, inhaling her smell as he slept. It hadn't changed a bit. Draco started dreaming of a beautiful house by a river in the countryside. He was standing in front of the doorway, with his arm wrapped around Hermione's waist. They were watching something. As the dream's perspective shifted, he saw something that struck him deep in his heart. He saw a 6 year old Cecily with a smaller boy, playing by the river.

"Wake up, Draco, wake up." The dream Hermione whispered, looking deep into his grey eyes. Just as he was about to lean in to kiss her he woke up.

"Draco, wake up!" Hermione said more forcefully, lightly tapping his cheeks. Draco lazily opened his eyes as he adjusted to the light that had filled the room.

"What happened? Did you have a nightmare?" Draco worriedly asked, getting up and watching Hermione with anxious eyes.

"Nightmare's don't scare me anymore since I'm starting to live in them..." Hermione sadly whispered, looking down at the ground. She gulped. "I woke you up because we're going to get Cecily back." Draco's eyes widened. Was this a good idea? Slughorn had wanted him to take immediate action too but that didn't work out since he was working for the bad side. Did they expect them to come early?

"Mione, I don't know if that's a good idea. They will be expect--" Draco attempted explaining but he got cut off.

"NO! I can't just sit here whilst they have my child. If you ever were a good father you would have the same feeling!" Hermione spat before she could stop herself. Hermione looked at Draco as she was about to apologize but something distracted her. His eyes were filled with hurt and tears. Hermione sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I'm just so worried and tired and I just have to find her!" Draco truly looked hurt but he quickly accepted the apology.

Hermione and Draco quickly got ready as they packed their bags with the supplies they'll be needing. Draco conjured up some spear wands and broomsticks that could shrimp to the size of a needle and fit into a bag. As the couple headed towards the exit of the castle Hermione stopped dead in her tracks, causing Draco to bump into her.

"What happ--" Draco attempted to ask but Hermione quickly shushed him.

"Weasley is our king. He didn't let the quaffle in, that's why Gryffindors all sing, Weasley is our king." Hermione sang loudly, earning a weird stare from Draco. Just as he was about to make a comment on it he saw a bunch of figures coming out behind a statue.

Potter, Lovegood, Longbottom, Weasley and... Zabini and Parkinson? In total they were with 7 people. Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Pansy and Blaise.

Draco looked bewildered. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked them with wide eyes as he knotted his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Did you really think you guys would be fighting alone? Hermione owled us." Harry answered sleekly, looking Draco right in the eyes. "Cecily is our family too."

"That's damn right, Harry. Now lets go beat those fuckers up and make them pay for what they did." Ginny growled as flames leaped up in her eyes. "They have to be killed. Once and for all. Only that way we can end this."


"That's too tight you fucker!" Cecily's voice shouted as one of the death eaters tightened the rope around her wrist before moving towards her ankles. Cecily attempted to free her legs and kick the death eater in his crotch but the rope was too tight. She felt it digging into her skin as she struggled against it.

"Shut your mouth, child!" An angry voice shouted from the hallway. Cecily looked up to see who it was and to her horror it was the lady she encountered earlier on.

"Don't tell me what to do, stinking bitch!" Cecily growled at Bellatrix as she approached her. Bellatrix bent down and grabbed a fistful of Cecily's hair before yanking it back. Cecily let out a soft yelp as she felt her head being tugged backwards.

"Listen up you little halfblood, if you don't work with us you won't be experiencing just a few hits to the face, you'll be tortured until your little dirty mouth can't even remember how the letter "o" is formed, so shut your damn mouth!" Bellatrix shouted as she released Cecily's hair. Cecily pushed herself backwards with her legs, against the wall. She didn't say a word.

Authors note (VERY IMPORTANT):

Okay guys, I'm sorry that I didn't update much but I was so busy with school I literally had no time. Now I have 3 weeks of break so that should be enough to write but one more problem, I don't want to. I have grown out of Harry Potter fanfiction and it's literally a pain in the ass to continue writing this story when I'm not even interested in it. I won't be uploading any other chapters, this will be the final one. If you're really curious about what happens in the plot, I'll summarize. The death eaters needed Draco to raise Voldemort from the dead by making a potion which needed Draco's blood. Cecily will be saved by Hermione and her group. Bellatrix dies, other death eaters will go to Azkaban. The dark lord will never rise again. Draco, Cecily and Hermione go and live in a villa by a huge lake in a forest together and Cecily goes to Hogwarts again. They basically live happily ever after.

I'm so sorry if I have disappointed you but I just don't want to write any other things for this story since I have grown out of it and I don't want to force myself. I am currently writing my own book, its a love story and I will publish it on wattpad. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section on this chapter. I don't mind you writing your thoughts, it doesn't have to be nice ones. Again, sorry to disappoint.

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