Chapter 8: Ron

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"What???" Hermiome asked surprised.

"He is back Mione!!!! Just come we will explain everything to you later!" Ginny shouted and dragged Hermione by her hand to the hospital wing with Harry following behind them.

They entered the hospital wing and saw Ron laying on a bed at the very end of the hall.

"Oh there you are!!" Madame Pomfrey shouted at the three of them. "Before you go to Weasley there are a few things you should know..."

Madame Pomfrey leaded the three of them to her office.

They sat down on a big white couch and Madame Pomfrey on a chair behind her desk.

"The reason Mr.Weasley has been acting strange is because of a potion... We suspect Mrs.Brown gave it to him everyday. It's a very dangerous potion which has the same effect as the emperius curse. It is very dangerous and full of dark magic.. It makes him do what Mrs.Brown wants." Madame Pomfrey said strictly.

The three all gasped.

"THAT BIC--" Ginny said but Hermione kicked her leg and Ginny shut up.

"Madame Pomfrey, where is Lavender now?" Hermione asked calmly, though she was bubbling with anger.

"She was found near the black lake all bruised up. We healed her and now were waiting for her to wake up. We put her in a special locked room so that she can't escape."

Hermione and Ginny gave each other guilty stares but Madame Pomfrey didn't notice.

"Anyways," She continued. "We are going to be giving her veritaserum the moment she wakes up to find out the truth." Madame Pomfrey said happily.

"Can we check on Ron?" Ginny asked hopefully.

"Of course."

The three of them walked over to Ron's bed.

He was already awake.

"Ron!!" Ginny screeched and hugged him tightly.

"Hey Gin." He said happily.

"Ron!!!" Hermione shouted making Ron jump.

She hugged him tightly. Ron reached out to kiss her but she quickly pulled back.

Ron noticed this but didn't question it since Harry started talking to him.

"So, how did this crazy girl get you to drink that potion?" Harry asked settling himself down on a chair next to Ron's bed.

"Well, i was waiting for Hermione in a compartment and she came in offering me a drink. I said that i'm fine but she insisted i should drink it, so i did so she would go away. Then i felt sick and the potion started doing its work." Ron said rather un-comfortably.

Hermione got up and walked towards Madame Pomfrey.

"Madame Pomfrey, may i ask what the potion's name is?" She asked politely.

"Its called The Emperius Potion." She said shivering. "It has, like i said before, the same effect as the Emperius Curse. That's what its called after."

"Okay, thank you."


Draco entered the Slytherin common room smirking.

"Where have you been, mate?" A voice asked behind the couch.

It was Blaise.

"Oh, just been doing things with Granger." Draco said still smirking.

"And with things you mean..?"

"Oh nothing... Do work for the ball and make out." Draco said proudly.

Blaise felt his stomach drop. He had been developing this kind of crush on Hermione since 5th year.

"Great." Blaise muttered and quickly walked towards his dormitory, pushing Pansy aside who was now walking down the stairs.

"What is wrong with him?!" She asked annoyed.

"I dont know..." Draco said honestly. "Well i'm going to bed."

Pansy looked dissapointed since she wanted to have Draco for herself, but Draco rushed past her before she could protest.


"Please drink this potion before you leave Weasley." Madame Pomfrey said strictly handing over Ron a green bubbling potion.

Ron drank it all at once and almost barfed.

"It's disgusting..." Ron muttered as he handed the cup over to Madame Pomfrey.

He got up and left with Harry, Ginny and Hermione.

Harry and Ginny were walking a little bit ahead of Ron and Hermione so Ron took to opportunity to kiss Hermione.

Ron grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into him.

"I missed you..." He quitly said.

"I missed you too Ron." Hermione said.

Ron tried kissing Hermione but she pulled back again.

She felt like she was betraying Draco.

'It probably didn't mean anything...' Hermione thought since Draco had said before it was his daily routine kissing girls.

Hermione was nothing special to him. Nothing. She was probably another toy in the box...

Hermione then pulled in again and slammed her lips onto Ron's. Somehow, they didn't have the same warmth as Draco.

Ron grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into him.

"Guys, umm can you save that for later?" Ginny's voice said from ahead.

They broke apart and started walking again.


Hey guys! So this is my first Authors Note, yay! I love to interact with you guys :)

The story is going to get heated up pretty soon and its going to be very intense ;)

Please give me some feedback and comment! Just mind i'm writing everything with my phone so sorry for any spelling mistakes. I love all of you and thank you for reading <3

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