Chapter 16: Hang On

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"Oh a plan huh? How smart of you.." Bellatrix said twirling her wand in her hands.

They all just stared at her. This woman

was really creepy to be honest!

"Come." She suddenly whispered in a low tone.

Not even a second later 4 woman appeared behind her.

"Ouch, you stepped on my foot!" One growled.

"Oh, dont make a big deal out of it." Another said carelessly.

"Sissy, do you still remember Draco's friends?" Bellatrix asked in a high voice.

"Yes. I certainly do.." She said firmly.

One of the women was Draco's mother and for the other women, they didn't know.

One of them had dark red hair, going down her hips, wearing a long blue ripped dress with staines on them.

The other woman had hair as dark as the midnight sky, with a dark, clean, red dress. The final one had light blonde hair, just like Draco's mother. She wore a short grey dress as she was something in her twenties.

"Well, we should introduce ourselfs, shouldn't we Bella?" Draco's mother said calmly. "I'm Narcissa, Draco's mother. But you should already know. This is Cymbeline." She pointed towards the women with the dark red hair. "This is Nyx." She continued pointing towards the blonde woman. "And this is Athanasia." She said, pointing to the black haired woman.

They all shot evil glances towards Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Harry.

"Well, Well... We are going to free Draco huh?" Nyx purred. "Is he handsome?"

By this Hermione got angry as hell. She felt like she was about to pop.

"Just so you know, Draco has a girlfriend!" Hermione growled in a Pansy sort of way.

"Oh, well. He's too young anyway!" Nyx spat back.

"Oh Draco got back together with you, Pansy?" Narcissa asked calmly.

"Yes." Hermione said shortly without thinking about it.

"Well, lets start your plan sweety!" Bellatrix shouted falsely.

They all nodded in agreement.

Bellatrix held out her arm. She was probably expecting them to take it, but they stood there frozen. What if it was a trap? What if they would capture them?

"Come on now!" Bellatrix said, interrupting Hermione's thoughts.

They decided to take the risk and took hold of her arm.




They appeared at a fancy place. Hermione looked around and saw a big black chandelier.

There were big, wide stairs, separating at the top.

"Welcome to Malfoy Manor!" Bellatrix shouted wickedly.

"Dont touch that, Cymbeline!" Narcissa said running over to the dark haired woman.

"We wanted more death eaters, not silly woman." Harry said breathing heavily. He had a hard job controling his self when he was around Bellatrix.

She had taken away the only father figure left in Harry's life.

To their surprise Bellatrix just grinned.

"I thought you would never mention." She said still grinning.

Black flames flew all over the place, and suddenly the 3 'women' turned into 3 men.

"Finally!" One shouted, his voice full with venom.

"What the hell?" Ron said confused.

"It was a test, darling! We are getting alot of spies send on us by the dear ministry.. Only a real Slytherin would say they were basically useless." Bellatrix purred, spinning her wand in her hands.

Only little did Bellatrix know that it wasn't Blaise, but a true Gryffindor.

"Well, lets get started then!" Hermione commanded in a bossy tone.

Narcissa led them to a bright room, with a big black table in the middle.

She waved her wand and parchment, quills, ink, maps and all the stuff they needed appeared.

They all sat down, Bellatrix at the very end. She was casually playing with her hair.

Oh god, this woman is annoying. Hermione would love to just instantly kill her. But she couldn't... Just yet.

"Well? Start!" Bellatrix said hoarsly throwing her hands in the air.

This woman was driving them all insane.

She noticed Harry was doing a poor job at controlling himself, since he was shooting evil glances towards Bellatrix when she wasn't looking.

Ron noticed this and poked his arm.

"Stop it mate. Were here just for Hermione." Ron whispered so only the four of them could hear.

Ginny straightened herself, and decided to act first.

She grabbed a big folded piece of parchment and a quill.

Hermione did the same and soon they were all writing down spells that might be usefull.

"Is this a map?" Ginny said after a while. "Of Azkaban??"

Bellatrix stood up, and walked towards her.

"Hmmm, yes it is.. Stolen myself." She purred in her ear. Ginny could feel her hot smelly breath against her skin.

"Desmeto." She whispered pointing her wand towards her. "That should keep the smell away.." She muttered to herself.




"Are you sure this is going to work?" Hermione asked un-surely to the messy haired woman walking next to her.

"Of course it will. Why wouldn't it?" She growled. "Ah, see there it is." She pointed towards a broom shop.

Bellatrix was disguised, so she wouldn't get cought.

They walked in the old shop, and looked around.

There were shelfes filled with all kind of new brooms.

"We want 9 of the fastest brooms you have." One of the 4 death eaters that were disguised as women ordered.

The guy behind the counter casually flicked his wand and the brooms zoomed to them.

Bellatrix threw a heavy bag of galleons on the counter and stepped out.

"Hang on there, Draco." Hermione whispered before they went soaring up the beautiful early morning sky.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! In the next one you will get to really know the plan!

So, this book is going to have about 40-50 chapters. The SEQUEL as well! (Or even more, hehe!)

I'm sorry if i dont write the chapters so fast, because school just started and i need to study!


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