Chapter 22: Gone

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"Lets get packed up, everyone!" Harry said walking down the stairs with his backpack in his hand.

"I'm ready!" Ginny shouted.

"Same!" Ron added.

"Hermione? D-do you think you can make it?" Draco gently asked Hermione.

"Of course she can! Hermione is strong enough. Even if she wasn't she would have to go! Thanks to you being a bloody death eater you're gonna get us all killed!" Ron growled from the kitchen.

When Draco was supposted to flip out, he remained calm.

He took a deep breath and steadied himself.

"Weasel, you should really think before you speak."

"Oh, really? I think you're the one who needs to think! Or have you forgot the past 6 years of tormenting? Have you forgot how you called Hermione a mudblood untill the point you made her cry? Do you know how many times she came to my dormitory crying, asking for help? Oh, of course you dont. Cause you dont bloody belong with her, you dont know her!"

Draco felt like his body was made of iron. He felt a stinging pain in his chest what wasn't familiar and a searing pain in his head. The worst part was, all of what Ron said was true. He didn't know Hermione. He never did and probably never will.

A single tear rolled down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away and apparated.

"Ron! What have you done?!" Ginny screetched marching from the kitchen.

"Ron, you ruined everything!!!" Hermione yelled. "I'll never be able to find him wherever he is!!! Damn you!!!"

"Hermione it was all true! Everything i said was true!" Ron growled.

"You know what? Screw you Ron! You can never accept that i found someone i love more than you! Now stop being selfish and deal with it, because i'm not ruining my relationship because you're acting immature! Now lets find the bloody ingredients of the potion that will make Draco's dark mark dissapear and after that leave us alone, Ron!" Hermione hissed.

Ron's face flashed a sign of hurt. Hermione immediatly regretted what she just said.

"Ron... I-I didn't mean it that way..." Hermione slowly whispered.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter anymore, does it? Lets just find the bloody ingredients and be done with this so you can live in peace with your boyfriend." Ron sighed, walking towards kitchen.

Hermione felt a tear trickle down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and continued packing.




"Lets get going, guys!" Ginny yelled from outside.

Everybody got out the tent and watched Ginny wave her wand which made the whole tent fold into a small bag.

Right when Hermione was about to hop onto her broom but suddenly she felt a searing pain in her stomach.

She yelped and fell down.

"Hermione!!" Harry shouted, sprinting towards her.

"M-My s-stomach.. It hurts.." Hermione cried out.

Hermione felt something move, making it hurt more.

"AHHHH!" She screamed in agony.

Ginny quickly waved her wand which caused a bed to magically appear.

"PUT HER ON THE BED!!" She screamed.

Not even a second later Hermione felt herself get tilted by Ron. He gently put her on the bed whilst she screamed.

Ginny cast a spell with her wand moving it up and down Hermione's stomach. She noticed it grew quite alot.

Suddenly Ginny's expression changed. She was speechless.

"What is it?!!" Hermione yelled, grabbing the sides of the bed with her hands.

"Hermione... Y-You're pregnant..." Ginny slowly whispered.

Authors note:

Bet you didn't expect that one coming!! What will happen to Draco? What will happen to Hermione?!! Read and find out! I will be updating once i have time!

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