Chapter 1: Love Burns

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Hermione was grabbing her trunk and walked downstairs. She was going back to Hogwarts. This was going to be her seventh and final year at Hogwarts. Since she skipped one year because of the horcrux hunt.

"Mum lets go." Hermione said as she grabbed her trunk and walked to the front door.

They sat in silence untill they arrived at Kings Cross.

"Bye mum!" Hermione said kissing her mum goodbye.

She ran through the platforn since there were only 10 minutes left.

Hermione ran full speed towards platform 9 3/4. When she was through she ran towards the train, but bumped into something.

Wait, not something someone.

"Dont touch me, you filthy mudblood!" A familiar cold voice snarled.

She looked up and saw Draco Malfoy.

Her heart seemed to go faster than usual.

"G-get out of my way Malfoy.." She muttered and passed him.

Wait, did Draco just feel some kind of spark when she touched him? Oh good lord, no. It was probably her filthy blood stinging him.

She walked into the train and searched for her friends. The first person she looked for was Ron, since he was her boyfriend.

She finally spotted some ginger hair and walked in the compartment.

Hermione couldn't believe what she saw. She felt betrayel and stings all over her body.

Ron and Lavender were snogging passionatly. His hands were going up and down her waist, and she was grabbing his hair roughly and pulling him deeper in the kiss.

They both looked up when they saw her. Ron looked pale white.

"Hermione,i can explain!" Ron tried to shout behind her when Hermione ran out of the compartment crying.

Her vision was blurred and she couldn't see anything.

Again, she bumped into somebody.

"Can't you control yourself mudblood?!" And evil snarl said again.

Hermione looked up into his eyes. Malfoy's expression softened when he saw she was crying.

"Having problems with Weasel? He probably doesn't like you anymore since you're such a filthy mudblood!" He snarled again.

"S-shut up, M-malfoy!" Hermione said still crying.

Draco regretted what he said. Why did he have to be so mean? So cold.

Hermione shoved past him and ran to the nearest empty compartment and closed the door and curtains behind her.

She sat down and immediatly she felt herself go to sleep, still crying softly.

"Hermione! Hermione, wake up!!!" A familiar voice said slightly shaking her.

She looked up and saw a boy with ginger hair.

She jumped by his touch.

"Don't touch me!!!!!!" Hermione screamed out of anger.

Lavender was behind him holding his hand and Ron seemed to enjoy it.

She shoved past them, and when she had her back turned Lavender grabbed Ron's head and started kissing him passionatly.

"Dont mind her, you have me, sweetheart!" She shouted happily so that Hermione could hear it. She turned around and gave Ron a look of disgust and exited the train.

How could he do this to her? How could he be so mean? What did she ever do to him to deserve this?

Hermione's thoughts went back to the memories she had with Ron. Tears started to appear in her eyes but she held them back.

Her foot hit something hard and the next moment she was falling backwards.

She prepared for the harsh hit, but it didn't come. Instead, she felt 2 arms holding her up.

She turned around and saw that black hair, emerald green eyes and messy look.

Harry Potter.

"Harry!" She said trying to sound happy, whilst there wasn't much happines left in her.

"Hermione..." He said woriedly looking in her eyes. "What happened? Why are you crying?" He said whilst a teardrop went down Hermione's cheek.

"I-its nothing H-harry." She quickly muttered.

"No! There IS something! Please tell me!" Harry demanded taking Hermione's trunk from her since she was shaking so badly it would fall in the mud any second.

"R-ron..." She was able to say, before collapsing in Harry's arms.

Did Ron make her this weak? Her energy has drained from her and all the happiness had left her body.

She was always so happy with Ron...

Harry carried hermione on his shoulders, whilst holding two heavy trunk in his hands. Man, this was hard.

Harry entered the castle and saw Ron. He looked guilty, and full with regret.

"What happe--" Ron tried to say but Harry didn't listen.

He turned around and ran towards the hospital wing.

"Come on, Won Won!" Lavender shouted at him from his back. She held out her hand and he took it.

Harry raced to the entrance as fast as he could.

He walked in waiting for Madame Pomfrey to pop up any second but she wasn't there.

"Fuck!" Harry shouted angrily.

He put Hermione on one of the beds and sat next to her.

"Okay Harry, come on, think! Maybe, uhh, some water!" He said to himself.

He took a cup and magically water appeared in it.

"I'm sorry Hermione." He said and a second later he spilled the cold water on Hermione's face.

Her chocolate brown eyes opened. She looked around.

"Where is Ron?" She suddenly asked, but then remembered.

She broke down crying again.

"Oh, Hermione." Harry said hugging her and patting her back.

He hated seeing her like this. It broke his heart. Hermione was Harry's best friend since his first year, and she always would be.

A few minutes later Madame Pomfrey entered the hospital wing.

"Oh god!" She said worridly and walked over to Hermione.

"Are you okay, dear?"

"K-kind o-off." Hermione stuttered.

Not later after that Ron and Lavender (who seemed very annoyed to be here) walked in.

"Is Hermione Oka--" Ron tried to say but got interrupted by Harry.

"HOW DARE YOU ASK THAT WHEN YOU WERE THE ONE WHO PUT HER IN THIS STATE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! SHE LOVED YOU RON!!! SHE LOVED YOU!!!!" Harry shouted angrily at Ron, who was stunned by this behaviour.

"Won Won, they obviously dont want us here, lets go and find a private place..." Lavender said tucking at his robes.

Ron simply nodded and they both walked out.

"Ah, love burns." Madame Pomfrey said sadly.

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