Chapter 28: So much like him

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*15 years later*

"Cecily Granger, get down here right this second!" Hermione shouted from down the livingroom. Cecily looked down from the stairs at her angry mother, commanding her to come down. She quickly ran down the stairs towards her. "Yes, mother?" She asked inocently.

"Cecily, i have found 10 throwing knifes under your bed. Can you explain yourself?!" Hermione puffed angrily, crossing her arms fiercly on her chest. "Oh, about that... Well, i was about to tell you but i didn't really have a chance..." Cecily answered honestly, looking down at her shoes.

"Go on, you can tell me now." Hermione replied fiercly, staring deep into her daughters saphire blue eyes. "I joined this group a few weeks ago. It's a sort of club. They practice the art of fighting but without wands. My mentor told me that the wizarding folk had long forgotten the beauty and elegance in fighting with your body and that it is way more useful. It turned out i was very good in knife throwing and he advised me to practice at home as well..." Cecily explained, now looking into her mother's eyes.

Hermione needed to breath for a second. Was her daughter really doing this? How did she not know? "W-When did you start with this?" Hermione asked calmly, stepping closer to Cecily. Cecily stepped back. "About 5 weeks ago. We have a meeting every sunday in the summer." Cecily answered.

"I want you to quit with this rubbish. It is not suitable for a lady. Y-You can hurt yourself. You need to stop." Hermione hissed, putting her hands on her hips.

"What? No way! I will not stop the thing i'm really good at! I have found happiness and peace there, i will not stop!" Cecily hissed back, also putting her hands on her hips. Hermione sighed. She didn't want to take her daughter's happiness away but she also didn't want her to get hurt.

"Alright, fine. You can continue these.. lessons or whatever you call them. But i do not want you to be practising knife throwing. It is way too dangerous!" Hermione scolded, becoming slightly redder.

"I. Will. Not. Stop!" Cecily shouted as she dashed back up the stairs whilst her long black hair flew behind her back. She is so much like him... Hermione thought. So stubborn. Hermione eventually walked back to the living room and sat down on the couch. Since Cecily was born she had changed apartments. This one was way bigger, it even had a second floor. She was still at the same location but she just switched to the highest apartment. She looked outside through the big windows that were as big as the walls.

There was no sign of Draco. Since Cecily was born Hermione tried to contact him but nothing worked. She even went to Malfoy Manor but the place was desserted. Did he somehow figure out that their child was born and did he leave them on purpose? Was he being held as a prisoner? She did not know. All she knew was that she missed him. She had not dated anybody for the last 15 years. She always hoped that one day that boy with the stormy blue eyes and blond hair would walk into her house saying that he did it. That he got rid of the mark that has been tearing their love apart. Even though Cecily fixed most of her broken parts she still felt an emptiness inside her. She decided not to dwell on it that much and got up from the couch. She headed towards the kitchen and started making herself some tea and a sandwich. After she ate and drank everything she got her phone out and called her beloved friend.

"Hey Ginny, i thought that you could maybe come over and we could hang out a bit and go shopping? We can take Cecily with us." Hermione asked.

"Sure! That is a great idea!" Ginny's voice said through the piece of metal and plastic. Hermione then hung up and went downstairs to get ready.

"I 'm going shopping with aunt Ginny, Cecily. Would you care to join us? We could also already buy your supplies for Hogwarts." Hermione said as she entered Cecily's room. Half of Cecily's room was covered with glass that represented walls. The actual few walls were white. Her furniture was very cozy. Hermione loved this room.

"Sure." Cecily answered simply getting up from her bed and entering her bathroom, getting ready. Hermione then walked back to her own room. Her room was a few rooms away from Cecily's and was also mainly covered with glass. Her walls were green. Hermione quickly pulled off her "home" clothes and put on a nice white skirt with a pink top. She was now in her thirties and she must say she looked like she was still 20. She entered her bathroom which was inside her bedroom, seperated by a wall andn a door. She quickly brushed her hair and put it in a ponytail.

"I'm ready!" Cecily shouted from her room. She then walked down the stairs, towards the livingroom. To her suprise she saw aunt Ginny already sitting there.

"Cecily!" Ginny exclaimed happily, getting up to hug the surprised girl. Cecily happily hugged her back and smiled. "It's good to see you." Cecily said letting go of the hug.

"It's good to see you too, darling. Oh, you have grown so much in a few weeks!" Ginny said as she put a lock of her hair that fell down her face aside. Right at that moment they heard Hermione coming down the stairs looking very pretty. "Let's go, girls!" She shouted happily. The three girls then exited the apartment and closed the door.


"Why can't my life be perfect?!!!!!" A boy with blond hair and blue eyes shouted. Draco Malfoy had a long knife in his hand and was rapitly cutting into his dark mark. Because of the deep cuts the death eaters couldn't locate him so he had no other choice. He got used to it by now since he had to do it for the last 15 years. Blood flowed everywhere. On his shoes, his clothes and on the floor of a abondoned house he was currently staying in. The house was very small but it was alright. He slept in a little room upstairs. The house wasn't in a great form but Draco had refurnished most of the stuff. He walked towards the small kitchen and took a napkin. The disstressed boy cleaned his cuts up and disinfected them. His house was located on the top of a very big mountain.

Every thought of Draco contained Hermione. He missed her so much that it hurt to think about her. He lost his necklace whilst he fell down a big slope when he climbed the mountain so he couldn't contact her. Draco has searched for days after the necklace but to no succes, he never found it. "Hermione... I miss you so much..." Draco said and collapsed to the ground, crying out all of the emotions he felt.


"No, i will not put that on! It looks hidious!" Cecily said as her mom pointed at a very long dress with flowers printed on them. Cecily was more attracted to dark colours like black.

She is so alike to the character i named her after in The Infernal Devices. Hermione thought whilst she looked for other clothes. I don't think any other name would have suited her better than this one. They even have the same likings! My daughter even does knife throwing as a hobby, just like this character! Hermione then smiled to herself. It was nice to have a real life person remind her of a person in her books. It was strange but odly satisfying. Now all she needs to find is a boyfriend named Gabriel Lightwood. She thought to herself, laughing.

"Mom, look!" Cecily's voice shouted for her from the other side of the store. Hermione quickly pulled herself out of her thoughts and walked over towards her daugther. Cecily held a short black dress, covered with fake diamonds at the top.

"It's very pretty, Cecily. But maybe you should try to find something with a bit more colour? We can buy this dress now but find something a bit more colourful." Hermione said as she took the dress and handed it over to the shop lady. Cecily let out an irritated grunt from behind her and marched over to the colourful section.

"I think that you have found another copy of Draco, Mione." Ginny said whilst laughing but quickly shut her mouth after she saw Hermione's features change. Obviously the thought of Draco still hurt her. But Hermione tried to regain herself and let out a forced laugh.

"Yeah, i think i have..." She said sadly, looking at her daughter with sad eyes.


As some of you might have noticed the name "Cecily" is from a character in The Infernal Devices. They are the prequel books of The Mortal Instruments. It takes place in the 18th century so the names are quite different. I decided to mention it in the story so that you guys know what's going on. (If you have not read The Infernal Devices you should totaly read them since they're really amazing!)

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