Chapter 20: Found

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Hermione woke up, next to Draco. She looked over at him. He was sleeping peacefully, looking stunning as always.

She quickly climbed out the bed. Her hair was all messed up so she quickly put it in a high ponytail and left the room, going down the stairs.

Ginny was sitting on the couch, peacefully slowly moving her wand in the air, making flower petals float in the air.

Hermione coughed, making sure Ginny knew she was there.

Ginny quickly turned around and dropped the flower petals and her wand.

"Oh, uh Hermione! I didn't see y-you there!" She stuttered.

A second later Draco came down the stairs.

His hair was all messed up, and he was wearing nothing more then a sweatpants.

"Merlin, Malfoy! Put some goddamn clothes on!" Ginny growled walking to the kitchen.

"Hey." Draco casualy said and kissed Hermione's cheek.

"H-Hey." She stuttered, looking at his chest.

Draco smirked and walked over to the kitchen.

"Morning Weaslette." He said in a cold tone.

"Morning." Ginny replied.

Suddenly there was a loud pop outside.

Ginny and Draco both looked at eachother and immediatly ran outside, holding there wands in their hands.

"MERLIN HARRY!" Ginny screetched running outside and hugging Harry, who just apparated.

"GINNY GET OVER HERE NOW!!" Draco growled, making Ginny jump.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL MALFOY!" Ginny screetched, letting go of Harry who looked very stiff.

"NOW!" Draco growled again.

"WELL NOW, YOU CANT JUST MARCH ME AROUND YOU LITTLE GIT!" Ginny screetched marching towards Draco.

But Draco took a step towards her and roughly grabbed her arm pulling her behind him.

She was about to protest when he jumped on her, making them both fall to the ground whilst a blast occured above them.

Draco got up and pointed his wand towards Harry.

"STUPEFY!" He yelled, making Harry's legs slam together and stiffen. He fell with a thud to the ground.

"MERLIN, HARRY!!!" Ginny yelled, escaping from Draco's grasp and falling down next to Harry.

"Ginny..." Draco whispered.

"WHAT DID YOU DO???" She growled in agony.

"Ginny its not.."


"GINNY IT'S NOT THE REAL HARRY!!" Draco yelled, making Ginny flinch.


"It was a fucking death eater! They tracked us!" Draco growled as he put his head in his hands.

"How do you know?" Ginny asked curiously.

"I saw his dark mark through his sleeve! The only thing you can't change about yourself is the dark mark. It's always there! HOW DID I FORGET??!!!" Draco yelled so loud making the birds fly away from the trees.

"Wait a second... WHERE is the real Harry!" Ginny suddenly screamed.

Not a second later they heard a loud pop behind them, and there stood, the boy who lived.

"BLOODY DEATH EATERS!" He growled angrily.

"Harry!" Ginny screetched and attempted runming towards Harry but Draco stopped him.

"Where did we first meet?!" Draco asked fiercly.

"What the hell, Malfoy its m--"


"Madame Malkins Robe shop!" Harry said annoyed.

Draco let go of Ginny and she fell into his arms.

"I'm going to check on Hermoine." Draco said huskily and walked away into the tent.

"HERMIONE!!" He yelled and waited.

No reply.

"HERMIONE!!" He yelled again, getting worried.

Suddenly, he heard a loud scream. A heart  breaking one. It was Hermione. She was in pain.

He ran towards the source of the sound, towards the frozen river.

Near a big tree Bellatrix was standing, with her wand in her hand.

Hermione was laying on the ground, screaming as Bellatrix repeatidly screamed: "CRUCIO! CRUCIO! CRUCIO!"

Draco felt anger bubble inside him.

He took out his wand and sprinted towards them.

"Please stop!" Hermione screetched, making Bellatrix only continue. ("CRUCIO!")

Draco was now sprinting as hard as he could. He felt the cold winter air brush past his face.

Bellatrix spotted him, and stopped torturing Hermione.

She looked at him with an evil grin.

"AVADA KEDAV--" Draco shouted but Bellatrix apparated away with a pop.

Author's Note:

FINALLY! A NEW CHAPTER! Its been a long while! :)

I hope you are all well :)

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