Chapter 7: First Name Basis

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After Hermione was done writing everything out they paired the prefects of each house to do some tasks.

"For Gryffindor it's Ginny and Dean, Ravenclaw Luna and Cho, Hufflepuf Hannah Abbot and Ernie Macmillan and for Slytherin..."

"Blaise and Pansy." Draco finished. "I can't believe it either." He added as Hermione looked at him with a 'You must be joking' kind of way.

"Okay, so Gryffindor does Decorations, Slytherin does food, Ravenclaw does charms and Hufflepuf does invitations." Hermione summed up.

Draco nodded. He looked over to the clock and noticed it was 12 AM.

"I know what you're thinking Malfoy, but i'm not leaving before we finish our duty." Hermione said strictly.

Draco sighed and eventually gave in.

"Okay, lets start making the masks." Hermione said after a while.

She waved her wand in the air numerous of times and suddenly 120 masks appeared out of thin air on the wooden table.

"How did yo-" Draco said but got cut off by Hermione.

"Later Malfoy, okay now we have to enchant them. The spell to make them fit the outfit the person is wearing is Fenite Felis." Hermione said clearly.

Hermione muttered a spell and cast 10 extra masks to practice.

"Okay, lets practice." Hermione said.

She pointed her wand at the mask and said: Fenite Felis!

The mask started turning a black color and sparkled magically.

Hermione smiled brightly since she did it on her first try.

Draco looked at her. God, she was beautiful. He couldn't help but smile looking at her, how happy she was about the smallest things. Draco chose to just give in. He couldn't deny he loved Hermione.

"Why are you staring at me?" Hermione grinned.

"I'm not staring at you Hermione!" Draco said as he playfully hit her arm.

Hermione went quite and stared at him surprised.

"What?" Draco asked shyly.

"You called me Hermione." She said, her eyes twinkling.

"Oh, well yeah.." He said embarrased.

"I wouldn't mind calling you Draco.." Hermione suddenly said, making Draco smirk.

"On first name basis now, huh?" Draco smirked making Hermione grin.

"Yes, Draco." Hermione smiled.

It felt nice being friends with Draco. Very nice..

'Were friends right?' Hermione thought.

"So, does that make us friends, Hermione?" Draco said slightly nervous.

"Yes, it does Draco." Hermione said brightly.

Hermione started getting closer to Malfoy. She could inhale his smell.

Draco felt her stepping closer and did the same.

When they were barely a few inches away from Draco looked her in her eyes. They were so beautiful. Even though it was filled with happiness, Draco could see the pain.

Hermione closed her eyes and felt Draco's soft and wet lips collide with hers. 

Draco placed his hands on Hermione's waist and pulled her towards him making her twirl. Hermione giggled and broke the kiss to look in his eyes.

'Yet so wrong, yet so good.' She thought before Draco started kissing her again roughly and more passionatly.

He touched her lips asking for entrance again, and Hermione willingly opened.

Their tongue's were dancing together joyfully.

Hermione pulled away, and Draco let out a angry moan.

"Dont end this moment, Hermione." He whispered.

"But the masks!" Hermione exclaimed pulling Draco back.

"Okay, fine." Draco said finally giving in.

"I promise we will continue this some other day.." Hermione said stroking his chest.

Draco smirked and sat on the couch.

"Now you try it." Hermione demanded as she put a blank mask on the table.

"What was the spell again?" Draco asked sarcastically.

"Draco!" Hermione said playfully slapping his arm.

"Fenite Felis!" Draco half shouted and the blank masked turned black.

"Great!" Hermione screetched happily before she pulled Draco in for a kiss.

It was short but passionate.

Hermione got back to the table and waved her wand. 60 blank masks started flying towards Draco and landing with a thud next to him.

"Lets start!" Hermione demanded.


After an hour Hermione and Draco finished bewitching the masks and stored them in a big closet.

"So i'll see you tomorrow." Draco said pulling Hermione towards him. "I started liking these meetings..." Draco smirked and pecked Hermione on her lips.

As soon as she entered the Gryffindor common room Ginny jumped at her.

"Hermione!!! The real Ron is back!!!!" She screamed happily.

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