Chapter 2: Hatred and Violence

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"You're free to go, darlin'." Madame Pomfrey said, putting down a fizzing drink on the table next to Hermione. "Make sure you look good after her, Potter."

Hermione drank the weird looking drink and felt herself getting charged with energy again.

When they arrived at the great hall, everybody was still eating.

'Thank god we arent late." Hermione thought to herself.

She and Harry sat down as far away from Ron as possible.

Ginny was sitting with Dean and a few other 5th year girls Hermione didn't know.

"Why aren't you guys sitting with Ron?" Ginny finally asked.

Hermione lost the ability to speak.

"Look at him." Harry pointed out.

Ginny turned her head and saw Ron and Lavender snogging again.

"You gotta be kiding me!!!!! He cheated on you!!!" Ginny shouted angrily.

Hermione nodded weakly.

Ginny angrily walked over to Ron and Lavender.

They didn't seem to notice her, so Ginny grabbed a heavy book from a random student and threw it on the table. It gave a loud thud and every Gryffindors head was turned towards ginny, even Ron and Lavenders.


"Ginny, i-" Ron tried to say but Lavender was too fast.

"Ugh, excuse me! First of all, YOU'RE a slut, and second of all, nobody wants an ugly nerd as a girlfriend!"

"HOW DARE YOU!" Ginny shouted at her.

Before Lavender knew it, Ginny grabbed a cup with a fizzing substance and poured it all over her head.

Lavenders hair started turning a ugly shade of green.

She screamed as she ran towards the exit and dissapeared from view.

Soon after that a teacher ran after her.

"Twenty points from Gryffindor for that, Ginevra Weasley!!!!" A angry Mcgonagall shouted, also dissapearing from the hall.

"WHAT THE FUCK, GINNY??" Ron screamed angrily and punched Ginny on her eye.

She let out a painful cry and fell with a thud to the ground.

How could he? He was her older brother! He was suppost to protect her from harm!

Ron ran out of the hall towards Lavender.

Harry, Hermione, Dean, Seamus and several more Gryffindors ran towards her helping her up.

"Omg Ginny! Are you okay??" Hermione asked her. But before Ginny could answer Dumbledore's calming voice echoed through the hall.

"Mr. Potter, Mrs.Granger, please escort Mrs.Weasley to the hospital wing."

"Let go of me!" She snarled angrily, obviously not liking to feel weak.

She started sprinting towards the exit and saw Lavender and Ron sitting together at the bottom of the stairs.

Lavender was crying and Ron was patting her back whilst hugging her. Her hair was still a ugly shade of green. She obviously tried a spell to make it go away, but it became only worse since her hair was smoking.

Ginny wanted to hurt Ron, but she couldn't get herself to do it.

Ron noticed her and got on his feet staring at her.

Her eye was swollen and turned a deep shade of purple. Blood was dripping down her cheeks and clothes.

What had he done? To his own sister! How could he...

'I'm a monster.' He thought looking at the sight of his sister in pain. Pain, which he caused.

A second later Harry and Hermione ran in. "Come Ginny..." Hermione said softly pushing Ginny towards the hospital wing.


But Harry didn't come. He just stood there staring at Ron, full of disgust. He wanted to punch Ron. Break his nose or something. But he couldn't do it.

"Y-your own s-sister..." Harry just managed to get out before getting pulled up the stairs by Hermione.

They entered the hospital wing and the second they entered Madame Pomfrey came running towards them.

"Oh dear! Again you two! What happened?"

"Ron punched her." Harry said, his voice full of disgust.

"Ron Weasley? But isn't he her brother??" She said looking confused.

"Y-yes." Ginny said full with anger.

Ginny sat down on the hospital bed and Madame Pomfrey started looking at her eye closely.

"Dear, this wound is too bad to heal with magic. It might ruin your sight. I'm going to have to do this by hand..." Pomfrey said waving her wand.

All kinds of creams and potions appeared.

She started cleaning Ginny's wound and blood up.

Then, she applied white sticky cream on her whole eye.

"Now drink this potion." Pomfrey said as she handed Ginny a pink bubbling substance. She swallowed it and felt her eyesight improve. Now she could see with her wounded eye, but everything was blurry. Her other eye was fine.

She looked in the mirror, her eye was still a dark shade of purple and swollen.

"Cant i cover this up?" Ginny asked disgusted of the sight. Disgusted of looking in the mirror and seeing the work her brother did to her.

"Oh, no dear! It has to stay open and get air or else it will puff up!"

The three of them walked to the painting of the fat lady.

"Shit! We don't have the password!" Ginny moaned angrily.

The fat lady turned her head and saw Ginny's swollen eye.

"Only this time." She said quickly and the portrait opened.

It was packed with concerned students all chatting. They all got up when they walked in.

Hermione ignored them and walked up the stairs to the girls dormitory with Ginny.

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