Chapter 17: Azkaban

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Hermione felt the harsh wind blow through her hair. She clutched the broom like it was a matter of life or death. Well, actually it is if you're so high up in the air.

She noticed that more death eaters were flying towards them trying to catch up. Oh god, she hoped this was going to work...

"Are you good up there, Hermione?" Ron shouted at her.

"Yes!" Hermione shouted back through the heavy rain even though she was freezing and she felt herself slightly slip off sometimes.

Hermione didn't know for how long they were flying, the only thing she did knew was she was freezing, and she wont be able to stay on this frozen broom longer.

She could have told somebody, like Harry or Ron, but she didn't quite like not being good at flying.

She didn't want to look like she couldn't do anything. All of this was her idea, and it would be pretty embarrasing if she couldn't handle anything herself.

She kept on flying, even though she couldn't feel her hands anymore.

Suddenly, she felt her eyelids grow heavy. They were shutting. She tried as hard as possible to keep them open, but she couldn't lift them. Hermione was feeling herself losen her hold.

In a second her leg slid of the end and she felt the wind hitting her back. She was falling.

"Hermione!!" Rom screamed and zoomed under her. He catched her on his broom right before she fell to her death.

She woke up with a pop.

"Oh Merlin! Draco! Where is Draco?" She asked holding onto Ron's waist.

Ron gritted his teeth. He still didn't like this git.

"Were not there yet Hermione, hold on tight." He said calmly making a sharp left.

Hermione grabbed Ron's waist tightly, slightly feeling un-comfortable. But what choice did she have?

After hours of flying, crossing an ocean, mountains and hills, they landed on a small island with a big forest in the middle.

"There it is." Narcissa said pointing towards Azkaban. The big building was far away. You couldn't really see it that well because of the mist, but you knew it was there.. Oh, you knew...

"I think we should go over the plan one's more." A death eater named Rabanus Gagwilde.

"Of course, idiot!" Bellatrix spat at him whipping her hair back.

"GATHER AROUND HERE!!!!" Bellatrix growled, making everybody do as she says.

"We will attack from the sky since there are less guards there!!! We will fight our way through and make space for Parkinson, Zabini, Goyle and Bullstrode to free Draco. After that we will get the hell out of there!" She commanded.

It wasn't a very complicated plan, but it could work. It could. It might.

Hermione thought about seeing Draco again. Running her hands through his hair, carresing his lips, running her hands over his body...

Oh Merlin, she missed him so much.

She inhaled deeply, taking the scent in of fresh air.

In what seemed like seconds, the Death Eaters were up in the sky shooting spells at the protection wards, soon destroying them.

"Hermione!" A voice disturbed her deep thoughts. "Come on, we gotta get ready!"

She jerked her head upwards, finally noticing what was going on.

"Yeah, sure." She said hoarsly.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked putting his hand on her shoulder.

Ginny popped up from behind and put her head on Hermione's shoulder.

"Were going to get through this, okay? Together." Ginny whispered in her ear.

"MOVE IT!!!!!!" A fierce male voice shouted at them.

They all got on their brooms and zoomed off.




"Where is he??!!!" Ron shouted, shouting a curse at a guard.

"I dont know!!!!" Hermione shouted back, dodging a stunning spell.

"TAKE THAT YOU ARSE!" Ginny screamed at a guard as she just literally blasted him off the building.

"THIS IS SUICIDE!" Harry shouted in agony.

Suddenly a jet of green light flew towards Hermione.

She tried to move but she was frozen.

Her legs wouldn't budge. She could feel her life slowly slipping away.. Until 2 muscular arms grabbed her and pin her to the wall, leaving the curse flying towards a guard.

It felt like her mind started functioning again. She looked up and saw Harry's emerald green eyes staring into her chocolate brown ones.

"HERMIONE!!! WATCH OUT, YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED..." Harry literally screamed in her face, but Hermione cut him off.

"Or worse, expelled." She calmly said. After a second she burst out laughing. Wow, this was the first time he saw her actually laugh.

"This isn't really the right t-- STUPEFY!"

Harry grabbed Hermione by her arm and roughly pulled her behind a wall, where Ginny and Ron were.

"Where the bloody hell is he?" Ron shouted over the noise of the blasts.

"I have no idea!!" Hermione shouted back. "Petrificus Totalus!"

Suddenly, they felt 4 hands take a hold of their necks and pull them in the darkness.

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