Chapter 15: Lets get going

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"G-Ginny..." Ron muttered collapsing next to her.

He held on to his sisters lifeless body.

Her eyes were wide open, staring at the clear sky it could not see.

Ron broke down crying over her body. Hot tears flowed peacefuly down his cheeks.

He felt something heavy plop next to him. And then another. 

He looked at his left and saw Hermione and Harry both hold on her body as if it was a matter of life or death.

"Ginny!!" Hermione kept screaming. "Ginny! Ginny! Ginny!!!"

Suddenly, they saw her eyes move. They fluttered open.

"Damn death eaters." She ranted angrily as she got to her feet.

"Oh Merlin, Ginny!" Ron shouted hugging his sister.

"Uh, yeah.. I'm right here.." Ginny said sheepishly.

Hermione and Harry soon joined the hug.

"We thought you were dead!" Hermione said wiping away her tears.

"Dead? Hell no... I got hit by a stunning curse..." Ginny said calmly.

Hermione let go but Harry was still hugging her.

"Harry.." Ginny said awkwardly.

Harry let go. He looked into her eyes before slamming his lips onto hers.

Ginny was surprised since she had a crush on Harry for a long time but he never felt the same for her.

She just stood there, petrified. She felt hot sparks go off every part of her body.

She felt like she was in heaven. Could a kiss feel like this? She never felt anything like this kissing other boys.

Harry pulled back when Ron coughed behind there back.

"Sorry." Harry muttered to her.

"Its almost time guys, cant you do this later?!" Hermione screetched.

She held on the box with the potions in.

"Lets begin." Hermione said fiercly.

The three nodded and straightened themselfs while Ginny and Harry were blushing madly.

Hermione passed them a small cup of the potion and got one herself.

"Wait, the hairs!" Ron suddenly shouted.

"Dont worry about that Ron, i've got them." Ginny said smirking, holding up 4 tubes with hairs in. "They are Parkinson's, Zabini's, Goyle's and Bullstrode's."

"Impressive.." Harry muttered.

She passed them out and gave the hairs to the people she had asigned them to.

"Hermione, you're Parkinson. Ron you're Goyle, Harry you're Zabini and Me... I'm Bullstrode." Ginny said before dropping the dark brown hair in the potion.

They all followed her, and soon everybody's potion was bubbling or some fizzing.

Hermione's was a deep shade of purple, Ginny's a light shade of brown, Ron's green, and Harry's dark blue.

"Bottoms up.." Hermione said silently and they all drank their potion.




"Where exactly is the Black Sea?" Ron-Goyle asked loosening his tie.

"Very far north of Diagon Alley Ron, we will have to apparate there." Hermione said as she walked really fast through the streets of Diagon Alley.

Hermione pointed towards a side street next to a tea shop.

The four of them walked, more like ran for Hermione, towards the street.

Hermione held out her arm, everybody took it and they apparated with a pop.

They landed on sand, next to a big sea with black water. A few feet away from them was a big dark forest, engulfing the night sky.

They all felt sick since they apparated so far.

"Damn this place is creepy Hermione!" Ron said shivering.

"Yeah and very cold.." Harry added.

"Oh, grow a pair you too!" Ginny mockingly said as she walked over to Hermione.

"I must admit, Parkinson has soft hair.." Hermione said running her hand through her hair.

"Lucky... Bullstrode's hair is all greasy." Ginny said annoyed.

"Women.." Ron muttered to Harry, who nodded.

Ginny walked over to the sea, ready to dip her hair in. She didn't quite like the feel of Bullstrode's greasy hair...

She bend over, the tip of her hair almost touching the water when something pulled her back.

She turned around and saw Hermione.

"What the h--" Ginny started but Hermione cut her off.

"There are evil creatures in there, Ginny! Do you ever read??!!!!"

Ginny smirked and moved away from the water.

"They should be here anytime. Keep your wands in a place where you could easily reach them." Hermione said shifting her wand.

After a few minutes they heard a pop behind them. They turned around and saw a woman with messy curly hair and a ripped black dress.

She looked at them for a moment with a confused look. Did the potion fail? Was it fake?

"Lumos." She whispered with a hoarse voice.

Her look changed into an evil grin.

"Pansy!" She screamed and walked over to hug Hermione.

Hermione stood there, petrified. The woman had tortured her. She guessed Pansy and Bellatrix had a good relationship together since they were both pretty evil.

Hermione threw her arms around her and held her tight. Bellatrix did the same.

When she finally let go, she looked at the others and grinned.

"When should we start?" She asked smirking.

"Well, we should first make a plan." Hermione said in a bossy tone.

Author's Note:

Next chapter will be VERY long. You will also receive some information on how long this book is going to be and the sequel!

Thank you for reading! :)

Question: Which Hogwarts house are you in?

Me: Ravenclaw


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