Chapter 26: The baby is coming

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*6 Months later*

"I miss you..." Hermione whispered through her necklace. "I-I want you to be here for me."

She held the necklace tightly onto her ear, listening for a response.

"Soon i will be. I just need to find these damned ingredients for the potion. I cannot risk your life by coming after you." Draco said hoarsly, holding back his tears. It had been such a long time since he had seen her and he felt broken. He was staying inside the empty Malfoy manor which was heavily guarded.

"I have found all of the ingredients exept the last one. I will do my best to brew the potion as soon as possible, Hermione." Draco added, letting a tear slide down his cheek. So silent but so deadly...

"The connection is braking.." Hermione suddenly said, knowing the feeling all too well when you have been talking for a long time and the necklace gets tired.

"Okay. Bye, i love y—" Draco tried to say but before he finished his sentence the necklace shut down. Hermione sighed and let herself fall onto the couch. She looked out the window at Diagon Alley, remembering her first trip to the place.

But Hermione was suddenly cut off her thoughts when Ginny entered the living room.

"Hey Mione!" She shouted happily, walking towards the kitchen and grabbing a toast to eat. "Wow, your belly has become so big. It would not surprise me if it popped."

"Yeah and the baby would come flying out and it would smash against the wall." Ron said whilst sniggering as he also appeared around the hallway's corner.

"Ron!" Hermione hissed, trying to hold back her laughter.

Ginny gave him a hard slap on his arm, also trying to hold back her laughter.

"Okay, I'm sorry. But i have to go right now, i applied for this new job in a broom store. I get to show people the newest brooms by riding on them through Diagon Alley. How awesome is that?" Ron said proudly, grabbing his blue jacked and putting it on.

"Great, i hope you enjoy your work." Hermione said as she smiled at him. Somewhere deep inside of him he still missed that smile. But he was too stupid to let her go and now somebody else got her. He weakly smiled back and left. "Gin, can i talk to you?" Hermione asked shifting her legs off the couch."Of course, Mione. Anytime. What's up?" Ginny answered sitting across from her. Suddenly Hermione's eyes filled up with tears."D-Draco has found all of the ingredients exept the last one. B-But i have a feeling it will take a long time to find and i want the father of my child to be there at her birth. I want him to hold his child and i want to raise my baby with him." She said as the tears escaped her eyes en raced down to her jaw.Ginny looked at Hermione full with sadness in her eyes. She quickly leaned in and hugged her tightly."We will make that work, Hermione. Be sure of that." She said whilst smiling a little even though Hermione couldn't see it.

*2 months later*

"Merlin, my belly has become so big!" Hermione said in admiration whilst she looked down at her big balloon shaped belly. "I'm pretty sure that you should be expecting the baby soon, Hermione." Ginny said happily whilst she took a bite of the piece of toast she was holding. "I know! Oh and when the baby is born we will all be so happy! Draco would love to see--" But Hermione didn't finish her sentence as the reality struck her. "Hermione..." Ginny whispered knowing what was coming next. "I'm pretty sure Draco is close to finding the cure..." Hermione simply looked at her with a disbelieving look in her eyes. "He won't find it anytime soon and you know it!" Hermione snapped at Ginny. "Stop trying to fill me with false hope because i don't believe anything you say!" Hermione carefully got up and stalked towards her bedroom whilst her belly bounced up and down. She felt tears swell up in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. Instead she just closed her eyes and convinced herself that everything was going to be alright. She then let herself fall on her bed and spilled all her tears since she knew nothing was going to be alright, really. 

Hermione fluttered her eyes open and yawned. She looked at her clock on the wall and realized it was already 6 PM. How was she supposed to live like this? So alone with her baby? What kind of life would her daughter have if her father wasn't even there with her? "Stop it Hermione!" She said out loud, mentally shaking herself. She got up and quickly took a shower, washing her hair and body. When she was done, she suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the front door. "Hermione!" The voice shouted. She couldn't make up who it was since the sound came so vaguely. "I'm coming!" She shouted back and dried herself off in a minute. She used her wand to fix her hair and put on her clothes. Since it was almost summer, she put a high-waisted short on with a crop top on top. She followed the voice to the front door and saw a long boy with frizzy blond hair. "Neville!" Hermione shouted as she ran towards him and hugged him tightly. Her belly took up most of the space but she couldn't be bothered by that. "Hey Hermione!" He said excitedly. "I missed you so much! Your belly has become so big! Oh and i have a guest with me!" He ranted on asking a whole lot of questions until a girl with bright blond hair walked in. "LUNA!!!" Hermione almost screamed hugging the girl with all the space her belly would allow. "Me and Luna are... Well, we are dating..." Neville said grinning.             "Oh, that's wonderful!" Hermione exclaimed. "Well, what are you guys waiting for? Come in! Let's have some tea with cookies!" 

The two walked in, looking around them. "Your appartment is truly stunning, Hermione!" Luna said brightly, stopping midway to touch a lamp.                                                                                                                         "So are you living here alone?" Neville asked, walking towards the couch and sitting down.                         "No, i'm actually living here with Ginny. She insisted." Hermione answered, walking towards the kitchen to get some tea and cookies.                                                                                                                                       "I insisted on what?" A bossy voice said from behind them. The three turned around and saw a grinning Ginny standing by the doorway.                                                                                                                               "Ginny!" Both Luna and Neville shouted, running up to hug the redheaded girl. But before they could do anything they heard Hermione shout from behind them. The three friends turned around and saw Hermione grabbing her belly and screaming out in agony. "The baby is coming!!!!!" Ginny shouted before Luna or Neville could say anything. She pushed the couple out of her way and dashed towards Hermione. She grabbed her by her back and slowly walked towards the door with the pregnant girl.     "We will have the apparate, there is no other fast way we could reach the hospital in time!" Ginny shouted out with a troubled expression on her face.                                                                                                       "It's okay, i can apparate!" Hermione growled, grabbing Ginny's back fiercly to stop herself from falling. Ginny took Hermione by the hand and looked at the two guests starting at them in bewilderment. "I'm sorry guys, but we have to go!" Ginny said sadly, starting to get ready to apparate. "It's okay, we will come too!" Luna said confidently, grabbing Neville's hand. Ginny shot them a smile and apparated away with Hermione.                                                                                                                  

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