Chapter 24: Diagon Alley

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George sat in silence while Hermione just finished telling everything except the part that she was pregnant.

"So you actually fell in love with that git?" George asked Hermione with an annoyed tone.

"Yes, i did and dont call him a git!" Hermione answered rolling her eyes.

"Whatever." George sighed.

Before Hermione could say more Ginny interrupted her.

"And we have one more thing to tell you... Hermione is.. is..." No. She couldn't get the words out.

"I'm pregnant." Hermione cut in.

She watched as George's eyes widend and behind his eyes Hermione could see it harden.

"G-Good for y-you." He managed to get out even though his eyes were filled with coldness which could make anybody instantly freeze.

"You know what? I know that none of you in this room approve of what i have done, but let me tell you, if you encountered real love, love that makes you feel so warm inside and make you happy, would you bloody deny it?!" Hermione said really loudly. "I made a mistake of getting pregnant so early, okay?! I get it! But you guys dont have to act like i'm not human anymore! Everybody makes mistakes!" She finished as she stormed out the room.

She went down the wobbly red stairs, running towards the exit. She pushed the door open and a cold winter breeze hit her like a truck. That's when she realised that she forgot her jacket in the room.

Hermione quickly drew out her wand and performed a complicated spell which made a brand new grey jacket appear on her shoulder. She quickly put it on and started walking north.
"Great! How are we gonna find her now? She could be anywhere?" Ron said annoyed, whilst all of them were walking out the shop.

"She can't have gone far, it's only been a few minutes." Ginny stated, turning towards a open teras pub. "We just got to start by asking." She walked over to the pub and addressed the barman.
"Excuse me sir, have you seen a girl with curly brown hair and brown eyes walking angrily away?"
He looked up and thought for a minute.
"Oh, yes i 'ave! She went that way, to the ice cream shop." He said, pointing east.
"Thank you sir." Ginny politely said.

"Lets go, then!" Harry said and they started walking east.

"There she is!" Ron suddenly pointed out. Hermione was sitting in The Three Broomsticks, drinking a butterbeer.
The three of them rushed towards the bar and sat down next to her.
Hermione looked up and jumped.
"Oh Merlin, stop scaring me!" She said, wiping away some butterbeer that she spilled.
"Were sorry, Hermione..." Harry apoligized.
"Yes, were very sorry. We didn't mean it like that, we do respect your choice." Ginny added.
"And Hermione, if you're happier with Draco than you were with me, i think you should go for it and not let him go." Ron finished. They all looked at her.
Hermione got up and hugged her three best friends. She secretly wiped away a tear and smiled.
"Thank you guys, you mean the world to me! Now let's look for this damn appartement!" She said as she laughed.
"Merlin it's so freaking cold!" Ron exclaimed rubbing his hand up and down his arms.
"Oh Merlin, stop over reacting!" Ginny said whilst laughing.
"Look guys, that appartment looks nice!" Hermione said pointing towards an tall modern appartment.
"Uhhh, that is actually known as the appartment where weird people live in. And by weird i mean, like really weird. I once saw a guy with 4 arms walk out." Harry whispered.
"Uhh nevermind..."

The four of them kept walking through the busy streets. Diagon alley changed alot since the war. Not in a bad way, but everything was just so new. "Look!" Ginny suddenly said pointing towards a modern appartment right on a nice square. The square was filled with little shops like a bar, a dress shop, a candy shop, an ice cream shop and alot more. "It says that it is on sale for 50 000 gallons. That isn't too bad, is it?" "Yeah, it looks pretty nice to me." Hermione said happily jumping up and down to get a better look at the appartment. "Stop jumping!" Harry said angrily. "I don't think you're allowed to jump when you're pregnant." Hermione stopped jumping immediatly and looked down at the ground. She felt ashamed that she didn't even realize she was jumping or thinking about her baby. 

Author's note:

I'm sorry that it took so long for this chapter to finish guys, i've been really busy with school and i really didn't have time. But now i do and i will write some chapters! Thank you for reading and voting guys! Have a fabulous day.

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