Chapter 1. A New Life

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A now nine year old Izuku with tired looking eyes; was sitting in the back of the classroom with his head down, his shoulder length white hair with black tips, helping covering his face as he looked out the window.

He got his black hair from his dad and his white from his mom, she had green and white hair and from what she said, it was a family trait since they're great great great great great great great grandfather that had all white hair.

Today was his birthday and he was hoping to get home soon so he can hopefully have a good birthday unlike all the others he had because of the other students.

"Hello class" said the teacher walking into the room "I bet your all excited for us to go to the park today".

"Teach do we have to take Aizawa with us? He's quirkless and will just make the day at the park worse" said one kid in the room.

"His name is Deku you extra!" Said Katsuki looking at the kid "but yeah can we just keep Deku here?".

"Sadly we can't and he has to come with us alright" said the teacher with an annoyed voice.

Izuku looked at them and sighed again, he continued to look out the window and was hoping the day would be over since he found out that his dad is coming home for his monthly visit. Giving that Izuku's dad was a underground hero he was forced to have very little contact with his family because the villains he went after were the worst of the worst and wouldn't hesitate to kill Izuku and his mom to get back at the hero.

"Alright come on everyone let's get ready for the field trip and just know that some of the older kids will be with us as well so behave, especially you Aizawa; I know you like to cause trouble because your quirkless" said the teacher.

He didn't respond and just ignored her.


"Alright everyone go and have fun" said the teacher.

All the kids ran off to go and play while Izuku walked away to find somewhere more secluded, he knew the other kids wanted nothing to do with him and he was hoping if he stayed away from them, they'd leave him alone.

Izuku climbed up a small hill and sat down on it under a tree at the top of the hill, he looked over the playground with a sad expression on his face, he wanted to go down there and play with them but he knew he couldn't.

No one wanted to play with someone who was quirkless, Kacchan made sure that everyone knew he was and that they should bully him.

No matter how hard Izuku tried to rekindle the friendship him and Katsuki once had, he wanted nothing to do with him. It was almost like he hated him just because he existed and even when Izuku started to put distance between them Katsuki would seek him out and bully him for no reason.




"I feel bad for his parents... Having to take care of someone defective like him.. I'd rather have a kid with mental problems then one that's quirkless"

"I know right?... Do you think we should mention to his parents that they could give him to an adoption center? I mean who could love something like him?".

More and more memories continued to enter his mind as he tried to push them out, he didn't want to remember them but everyone made sure he did every single day at school.

"Well well well.. look who we got?" Said a older sounding voice.

Izuku looked up and saw a kid that was two years older than him and he had a big cocky smirk on his face, behind him were a couple others along with Katsuki and his lackey's.

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