Chapter 24. Semi and Finals

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The crowed was extremely hyped since these were gonna be the last 3 fights for the day, before the winners were announced and it was safe to say, the excitement was palatable.

It was Izuku Aizawa VS Ryuko Tatsuma

Fumikage Tokoyami VS Rumi Usagiyama

Then the final fight would be between the winner of these matches.

Izuku did some last minute stretches while ignoring the predatory grin coming from Ryuko since they only had enough time for a quickie and she wanted more.

"So Izuku.. let's make our match more interesting" she said with a smile that looked innocent, but was anything but that.

"Hm?" He looked over at her while tying his hair into a ponytail.

"Whoever wins gets to be the dominant one in bed tonight~ and belive me Izuku~ I wanna be on top and ride you" she said with zero shame which would make Rumi very very proud of her.

"Oh I don't know Ryuko.. I seem to remember a certain dragon who liked to be dominated by me" he said with a chuckle.

"Don't mean I don't wanna try something new" she said.

"Hehe fine, we'll do it that way, if I win, I the dominant one and if you win then you are. Happy?" He said with a light smile.

"Very" she cooed.

Izuku then looked back out at the field as both him and Ryuko waited for Present Mic to call the start of their match, so they can come out and prepare to fight.

"You know... it's kinda funny.." Izuku said getting Ryukos attention "look at how far we've come... we went from 3 kids being bullied and picked on because of our quirks or lack their of. To now being here in UA and participating in the semi finals to see who's the strongest and wins this fight".

"Hehe I guess your right... we really have gone through a lot over the years and I can only think of one thing I'd change about it all" she said before standing next to him and leaning her head against his shoulder. "It would be meeting you sooner".

Izuku smiled and kissed her forehead, before he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

"In this fight, let's give it our all, we aren't mates... we are opponents fighting to see who's stronger" said Izuku.

"I can agree to that and you better not pull your punches since I'm a girl and your girlfriend, if you don't give it your all then I'll be pissed" she said.

"Same goes for you".

They both then continued to stand together and wait until they finally heard Present Mic call for them.


Both of them looked at each other and gave a quick kiss, before they both walked out and started to walk towards opposite sides of the fighting arena.

Soon they were both standing before one another and Izuku raised his arms getting ready to fight, Ryuko herself raised her own arms as her nails extended into claws and scales started to cover her arms.

Midnight looked at both of them and with the crack of her whip, the match started.

Izuku used 10% and appeared before Ryuko who brought her arms up and blocked the kick, but it did make her bones groan a bit and send her body a couple feet back. She then ran forward herself and tried to make a slash, but Izuku easily dodged the strike and went for a quick jab, but she saw it and grabbed it, while also managing to move her leg fast enough and drove It into his stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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