Chapter 5. The Ninth User

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"what?..." Said Aizawa staring at All Might with complete confusion on his face "what do you mean inherit your quirk".

All Might took a deep breath and looked at him in the eyes "your gonna want to get comfortable for this... About 200 years ago there were two brothers, one brother was born with a extremely powerful quirk, it allowed him to steal other people's quirks or give them. The other brother didn't have anything, he was just a normal person.

Over time the older brother became corrupted with greed and power and he seeked to rule the world, to do that he stole lots and lots of powerful quirks along with gifting quirks to those he was allied with.

The only person to stand up against him was his younger brother that was quirkless, the older brother forced a quirk on him unaware he actually did have a quirk. With the younger brothers new quirk he continued to get stronger and pass on his quirk to other people, throughout the years it's been passed on seven times and I'm the eighth bearer of this quirk and I've had it since I was in my late teens, now I'm ready to give it to the ninth bearer" said All Might.

Aizawa was silent and he just stared at All Might as he continued to think everything that he said over "how do I know your not just lying?".

"Aizawa I understand why your suspicious but trust me everything he said is true and even Recovery Girl knows the truth and can confirm it all, especially since she healed the seventh bearer" said Nezu.

All Might nodded his head "it's hard to grasp but believe me, I mean think about how different my quirk is compared to other people, I can do feats that not even people with the strongest strength quirks can do, I can soar over a city in seconds almost near the speed of sound".

"That's true but... Why my son?.. is it out of pity" said Aizawa with a even glare.

"No..... I don't know how to explain it but... During my meet and greet when I saw him.. I saw my master and someone else... They both stood next to along with five stars that floated around him, they told me he was the one I was looking for" said All Might.

"Let's just say I accept and so does my son.. what would happen and what kind of dangers would he and his two best friends be in" said Aizawa.

"He'll have to train to get his body to a point he's physically strong enough, so by the summer before he'll be going into UA his body should be mature and strong enough that I can give it to him. Best case scenario for that is if he trained enough, he'd be able to use anywhere from 10-20% with no consequences to his health.

For dangers his life would always be in danger, especially if word ever got out what his quirk is, everyone in the world would try and get their hands on it especially the public safety commission and governments along with villains.

And lastly... His friends will be in danger, but then again that comes with the territory of being a hero, so as long as they are strong and so is he they should be fine. Also he can't tell anyone except for those he truly trusts" said All Might.

Aizawa sighed and ran his hand through his hair in thought.

"Izuku will be giving the best training UA can offer Aizawa, I'll personally make sure he gets everything he needs to make himself strong enough to be All Might's successor" said Nezu.

"I will only agree if my son agrees and a couple conditions, also who else knows about your quirk?" Said Aizawa.

"A young police detective named Tsukauchi, yourself and Nezu, my sidekick Nighteye, my sensei Gran Torino who will help train young Aizawa and lastly my friend David Shield who understands I have a powerful quirk but not that it can be passed down" said All Might.

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