Chapter 23. Second Rounds

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Rumi and Katsuki walked out onto the field and they were both glaring at each other with anger and hatred for different reasons.

Rumi given what he did to Izuku and the fact that all his mental problems, along with a lot of the scars he had, were all from this one person.

Katsuki since she was friends with Deku and worse, this bitch was dating him, Deku was meant to be alone in this world and die alone, not find happiness.

Both of them finally arrived infront of each other and glared hard enough that it would've killed a normal person.

Midnight looked at them both and was a little bit nervous given she has a very good idea what Rumi wants to do to him, while Bakugo, she had no idea.

"Are both fighters ready?" She asked looking at them both with a little bit of hesitation.

Neither of them said anything, just glared more harshly.


Katsuki was the first to move, by releasing a massive explosion, but Rumi moved faster than expected and jumped off to the side, before she kicked the air with enough force to stop her momentum, she then kicked again and flew at him.

Seeing her coming, he spun and shot a explosion, but Rumi kicked the air below her and flew over the explosion and got ready to try and axe kick him, but he blasted himself backwards dodging the kick.

Skidding back, he blasted the ground to create a smokescreen, before he shot forward hoping to capitalize on the smokescreen.

He was halfway through it, when he saw something coming at him, so he quickly turned and released a massive explosion at what he believed was Rumi, but it ender up being one of the tiles from the ring.

"POINT BLANK!!" The smoke immediately dissipated revealing everything around him, but before he could assess the situation, Rumi finally managed to sneak in and land a strike.

The kick hit him hard and made him go flying as he held his side in pain from such a painful blow, it almost broke his ribs, but instead it only cracked them.

As he reeled back from the pain he looked up at Rumi and got in a looser stance.

Rumis eyes narrowed at seeing that and  got a little more on guard.

Katsuki then moved in and once he saw her shoot her left leg to kick him, he made his move.


A massive flash of light covered the area and temporarily blinder Rumi allowing him to punch her stomach hard while releasing a explosion.

It sent her away and she tried to stand up and clear her vision, but she got met with another explosion that hit her face and upper body, hurting her more and ended up ripping her clothes a bit, but not enough to reveal anything.

In the stands at izukus chair, the armrest snapped from his grip on them.

Ryuko immediately reached over and gently grabbed his hand to calm him down, which did thankfully work a bit.

Back with the fight, Rumi finally managed to regain her sight and pretended not to see, letting Bakugo get close before she kicked his forearm breaking it.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" An explosion went off and sent him back along with blasting Rumi back from the massive blast, she then looked up and saw Bakugo a distance away holding his broken forearm.

"Let's dance fuck head" she said moving in.

Bakugo started to blast lots of explosions with his one arm but Rumi used the smokescreen once again to move past it all and sneak to his side before she moved in to end it.

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