Chapter 21. The Second Event

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Izuku couldn't stop the smirk from forming on his face as he saw small bits of fear on everyone's faces from him not showing any fear from the glares he was getting.

"Good job young Aizawa, now you must continue to show the world just how powerful you are and that you will take up all of our mantles to protect everyone" said All Might.

"Don't worry I will and I'll make each one of you proud" thought Izuku as he looked over towards Rumi and Ryuko who ran up to him to stand next to him.

"Izuku we are obviously gonna be on your team" said Rumi with a smile on her face.

Ryuko nodded her head with a fanged smile.

"Thank you, now we need one more person to complete our te- found him!" He then marched off with both girls following him.

Tokoyami was minding his own business with his eyes closed, when he heard foot steps right infront of him. Opening his eyes he saw Izuku, Rumi and Ryuko standing before him with large smiles on their faces.

"I assume you have come to me, to ask me to join you fellow darkness dweller" said Tokoyami.

"Yes I did, you will be perfect for our team, for what I have planned.

Tokoyami nodded his head and had a light smile on his face "very well Aizawa, I'll join you".

"Just call me Izuku, makes it easier".

"Very well".

"So Izuku what's the plan?" Asked Ryuko.

"Quiet simple, Tokoyami will be in the front and shall use Dark Shadow to harass or stop people, while snagging head bands. Rumi you'll be on my back left and kick anything that gets near, while also helping us get airborne. Ryuko, view this as training to get better at your halt transformation, it will help you become a better hero that way and if things get desperate, turn into a dragon and destroy everything" said Izuku. "Now for the rest.. of the plan, our goal will be to stay away from everyone else, for as long as possible, but eventually they will attack us, with it most likely being Bakugo or Todorokis team'.

They all nodded, this was a solid strategy.

"Wait what about you Izuku, I know your the rider but what else will you be doing?" Said Rumi.

"I'll be pushing everyone back with my quirk, if anyone gets past me, then I want you 3 to take out anyone who gets passed me" said Izuku.

"That is indeed a good strategy, but what will we do if we get surrounded, with us having a large target on our backs, everyone will most likely target us" said Tokoyami.

"I'd say Izuku use his ability to fly and pull us up, while Rumi uses her leg strength along with me to push us all up into the sky so we can avoid anyone that might get us" said Ryuko.

"I like that idea, ok everyone now that we have a plan, all we gotta do is survive 15 minutes and not get our points stolen from us" said Izuku.

They all nodded in agreement with smiles on their faces.


"Ready everyone!?" Yelled Present Mic with a large smile on his face as he heard the cheers of the crowed "then... BEGIN!!!!!!!".

Instantly, chaos ensued as almost every team charged at Izukus team, trying to get the 1 million points from him.

Blackwhip coated Izuku's arms and he pulled them into a x before he whipped them out as hard as he could "Black Slash!" The wisps were as thick as pythons and they slashed through the ground with 27%. They shattered the ground and sent a massive Shockwave and lots of debree towards 7 different teams that were racing towards him.

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