Chapter 12. First Day Of UA

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Izuku woke up and tried to get up from his bed but he was being held down by a sleeping Rumi and Ryuko who cuddling him and both we're laying their heads on his chest listening to his heartbeat. He couldn't help but smile a little and remember when he asked them out and when he arrived home, his entire face was covered in lipstick from both of them kissing him. When he did enter his house his mom and dad wouldn't stop teasing him because of all the lipstick, but they then noticed that both girls were behind him and it got worse, especially from his mom.

That only lead to even more teasing, but mainly from Emi as she kept saying she wasn't ready to be a grandma yet and wanted them to at least be second years in UA before they gave her grandkids.

Izuku promptly passed out while Rumi and Ryuko looked like steamed tomatoes given their red faces and the steam shooting out of their ears.

After that day they spent the rest of the week together, going on small dates or just hanging out or if they were alone, both Rumi and Ryuko would make out with him which lead to them rarely leaving his room or either of their rooms.

But as of right now it was Monday and the first day of UA and they had to get ready for school but first came one of the most dangerous things Izuku can do, wake up Rumi and Ryuko when they were comfy.

Very slowly and carefully he tried to get up but Ryuko tugged him back into the bed and mashed his face into her large chest that was still growing. His face went neon and before he could think or do anything, he felt Rumi grab him and pull him back towards her and did the same thing as Ryuko did.

This ended up going on for 10 minutes and Izuku's soul was about to leave his body from sheer embarrassment of this happening to him.

"Mmm Izuku don't stop..." Said Rumi in her sleep as she brought Izuku back into her chest "don't be gentle...".

Izuku simply died after that and his soul left his body and was going to the golden gates of heaven but before he could pass through them, he was abruptly smacked back down to earth (from who he swore someone that looked like Nezu) where Rumi and Ryuko's souls grabbed his and forced it back into his body.

A couple minutes later both girls finally woke up because of the alarm going off, they both looked at Izuku and both of them realized one thing, they were basically suffocating him with their breasts. Both girls blushed realized before a predator like smile formed on Ryuko's face "what's wrong Izu~" she purred out letting her cords vibrate in a way that sent a shiver down his spine.

What he didn't know was that her breeding cycle was right around the corner and her body was getting ready to start producing the pheromones and her mind was gonna make her want to mate with him.

The thing that made the situation worse was that Rumi was the same, her mating cycles was very close as well and it was safe to say Izuku wouldn't survive both of them.

"W-well I.. um..." Said Izuku not knowing what to say.

"You know Izu~ I just remembered that the pink skinned girl might be in our class" she said with a slight edge "I think I have to make sure everyone knows you belong to me and Rumi".

Before he could say anything he saw her open her mouth showing her razor sharp teeth that sunk right down into the flesh of his neck. Izuku bit back a yelp of shock and surprise from the boldness of that but he couldn't think much on it since Rumi looked at him with slightly glazed eyes and she leaned forward and kissed him before bringing her chin up and rubbing it on his head along with other side of his shoulder. For poor Izuku his head was slightly light headed giving what they were doing and that they were both unknowingly producing a smell that was affecting Izuku in the same way as a aphrodisiac .

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