Chapter 6. It's Your Burden Now

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Nighteye had his hand pressed against his forehead trying to stop the bleeding from All For Ones last attack, it completely destroyed the area they were in, nothing, not even a tree was left standing after that attack.

"Torino how are you doing?" Said Nighteye looking at him.

Gran Torino wasn't much better, his arm and leg were broken along with four ribs, his breathing was getting labored and yet he was still standing "gonna take a lot more than that to kill me, besides I ain't gonna die till I see the ninth take that idiots place".

A massive concussive blast went through the area and it almost blew both of them back from the battle the two titans were having.

Once the smoke cleared Nighteye gasped at what he saw "oh my god.. I can see through All Might".

Over with All Might he was kneeled down on the ground holding his side trying to keep his insides in him while also slowing down the blood, he looked up at All For One and saw the wounds he gave him heal like they were nothing.

"Oh my All Might you don't seem so whole or mighty? Tell me are you eating enough" said All For One with a dark grin on his face.

"Oh I'm eating just fine.. and I'll be doing a lot better once your finished" said All Might.

"Hahahaha that's quite funny, you heroes aren't meant to kill unless giving special permission, not only that but your hero association wants me captured" said All For One.

All Might gritted his teeth and stood up ignoring the pain "it's true but... I can't let you continue to exist anymore... It doesn't matter.. after this day you will be nothing more than a memory".

Both men stared at each other ready to finally finish this battle, All Might started to gather all his strength into her s right arm and the muscle expanded along with a rainbow of colors seeming to glow around him with yellow being the most prominent.

All for one send a multitude of quirks to his right arm to increase it's strength.

Both titans then charged at each other creating massive dust clouds behind them from the speed they shot off at.

A massive explosion and sound wave shook the entire area, it was so powerful that it set off nearby earthquake sensors showing a level 3 earthquake was going off.

"Do you think he got him?" Said Gran Torino wiping the dirt from his eyes.

Nighteye squinted his eyes but then smiled at what he could see, the top of All For Ones head was gone. But then the horror revealed itself, his arm went right through the center of All Might's chest barely missing the heart but completely severing and destroying the spine. Both of them staggered and fell back.

"TOSHINORI!!" Yelled Torino as him and Nighteye sprinted towards him, as they continued to run a purple and black portal opened up and All For One was taken away before them "DAMNIT HE ESCAPED!!".

"Toshinori stay with me!" Yelled Nighteye as he tried to find something to stop the bleeding in his chest.

"N-no..'s to late..." Wheezed out All Might as his eyes started to get heavy and breathing became more labored "sensei... Mirai.. help Aizawa become a even greater symbol than I was... Help him become a hero that he's meant to be...".

"NO! All Might you'll make it just stay with me!!" Yelled Nighteye desperately trying to save his friends life.

Torino sucked in his teeth and forced the tears down.. he couldn't save his best friend and now he couldn't save his student.

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