Chapter 3. Meeting Your Idol And Sadness

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(1 Month Later)

Over the last month Izuku, Rumi and Ryuko became nearly inseparable, it was very rare to see one of them without the other somewhere nearby. They would hang out almost every day after school and play games or train, along with helping each other study which Izuku was really good at and he helped them both out as much as he could.

Now all three of them are all exercising at a gym that thankfully allowed mutation quirks so both girls could train and not be accused of being freaks since lots of mutation quirk users were at the gym.

"Come on Rumi you got this" said Izuku as he encouraged her to push the leg press "you got only five more and you'll beat your record".

She grunted and kept pushing it and after a couple more she stopped after she reached her goal and stopped "holy crap... That's 70 presses with 400 pounds..".

"You did an amazing job Rumi" said Izuku with a warm smile.

Rumi smiled at him as her foot thumped in excitement "alright now it's your turn Izuku".

He grunted in agreement and got on the leg press after taking off some of the weights since he was nowhere near as strong as her.

"So how's training going?" Said Ryuko walking towards them after getting off the treadmill for the past hour and was panting from exhaustion.

"It's going great, Izuku has been helping me build all the right muscle groups and making sure I train myself to be flexible so I can fight, my mom also called and said she finally got me signed up for Muay Thai classes to help me learn to fight" said Rumi.

"That's amazing, I'm still trying to think of a good fighting style for me, though it's hard since I can't train with my quirk because of that new law and the fact that the training ground I used to use was demolished and turned into a new hero agency for some prick named Captain Celebrity" said Ryuko.

"God that new law is horrible, what's the point in us having quirks if we aren't even allowed to use them at all" grumbled Rumi as she crossed her arms in anger.

As they were talking Izuku continued to push the leg press up and down working out his tired and sore muscles till the point they started to hurt.

"Ok... I think we can head home now.. we've been here for three hours and we all need to still study and shower" said Izuku panting.

They all quickly headed there's separate locker rooms and quickly took a shower and got dressed before they left the gym enjoying the July weather.

"Man... Hard to believe I'm gonna be turning 10 soon.." said muttered Izuku to himself but sadly Rumi heard it and it was just loud enough for Ryuko to hear it.

"....what?" Both Rumi and Ryuko said simultaneously as they both looked at him with a look all men feared.

"W-w-w-well i-it is j-july 4th.." said Izuku quietly "a-and my birthday is the 15th..".

"Why didn't you tell us!?!?!?" They both said simultaneously as they felt horrible since they didn't know nor got him anything yet.

"I-it's just.. my mom, dad, aunt and uncle were the only ones that cared.. so I thought you wouldn't want to know...." He said.

Both girls felt horrible hearing that and they both wanted to beat up whoever hurt him, they both walked towards him and hugged him.

"Well we're your friends Izuku and we're gonna join in celebrating your birthday on the 15th" said Ryuko.

"Mhm and it's gonna be the best birthday ever" said Rumi with her ears perking up.

Izuku smiled and hugged them back before they all went and started heading to the train station.

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