Chapter 16. Old Enemies And Love

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(Two Days Later).

Izuku slowly opened his eyes to the black void he was in before he suddenly unlocked all but the second users quirks. He looked around until he saw the floating platform where they all were and were sitting except the second user who was leaning against the wall looking at him.

"Welcome ninth" said Yoichi as he looked up at him "Normally you'd be waking up right now, but first we need to talk about some things we didn't have time for".

He nodded his head and walked over to the other users and looked at them.

"First let's start by introducing ourselves to help Izuku, then we can tell him what we wanted to talk about" said Yoichi "I'll go first, I'm the first user, Yoichi Shigaraki".

In the back the second user said nothing.

The third user said nothing for a moment before he spoke "my quirk is called Fa Jin, it works off of connetic energy" he said which made Yoichi sigh In sadness, his brother did so much damage to these two.

"Hikage Shinomori and my quirk is called danger sense which is self explanitory" said the fourth user who was a lean man with short, white hair that parts away from the base of his forehead, and thin, green eyes that slant slightly downward. Due to his accelerated aging, he gained two scar-like cracks stretching from the left side of his forehead down to his chin.

"Daigoro Banjo mine is blackwhip and you alreadyknow how to use it" said the fifth user a large muscular man of a wide build. He had a square jaw, small dull blue eyes and lacked eyebrows. He was also bald and had a very short beard. His outfit consisted of dark leather clothes, golden stylish goggles, and a bandolier. The leather jacket had yellow shoulder pads, had it open and didn't wear a shirt, it showed his muscular torso.

"En, my quirk is called Smokescreen, I can cover a area in massive amounts of smoke" said the sixth user who was a fairly short man with short, dark hair parted twice away from his narrow eyes. His hero costume consists of a large red jacket with numerous straps and buttons, and a high collar that obscures his mouth and nose. Accompanying this are dark, fairly-baggy pants and large white hiking boots. His forearms are also wrapped in sports tape

"Nana Shimura, my quirk is called Float which allows you to levitate in place, unless you add momentum to move"was a beautiful woman with a tough demeanor. She was a tall woman with a curvaceous figure, and at the same time, she was well-built even for a woman, as befitting a One For All user. She was fair-skinned and had a small mole below her bottom lip, centered to the right, and sharp, intelligent eyes with long eyelashes. Her hair was dark and straight, kept shoulder-length, with the exception of a clump of short bangs hanging above her forehead, and was usually styled in a half-up-half-down bun. Her hero costume consisted of a dark, sleeveless bodysuit with a high collar, yellow elbow-length gloves, and white knee-high boots. Around her waist was a belt with an angular golden buckle, a small cape attached around the back which hung down to her knees, and over her shoulders was a longer cape, buttoned to the shoulders of her bodysuit.

"Toshinori Yagi, but you already know that and everything about me young Aizawa" said All Might with his trademark smile.

"So what is it you all wanted to talk about?" Said Izuku looking at them all.

"Your fight with the Nomu... it was very close and if we didn't help you, then you and most likely the rest of your class would be dead, along with whoever showed up after you passed out" said En looking at him.

Izuku looked down at that "I-I know.. I should've changed my strategy instead of using overwhelming strength like All Might... but I was so scared and nervous that I-" "used a style to beat the enemy into submission" said Nana cutting him off.

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