Chapter 4. We'll Be Your Heroes

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A week has passed since Inko died and they had to do a closed casket burial, after the funeral Izuku spent the entire week in his room ignoring everyone and barely eating. He wouldn't let anyone in the room, not his dad or Rumi and Ryuko or even Ghost

"It's all my fault.." he said to himself quietly as he sat on his bed in the dark just staring at the floor with a lifeless expression on his face.

Izuku lost any will to be a hero or even go to school, he just couldn't get the last image out of his head, it kept replaying over and over. All he could see was his mother shielding him with her body before everything went black and when he woke up he found out she died.

"Why... Why did I have to go see All Might... If I didn't want to see him... M-mom would still be alive.." he said before he broke down in tears.

Outside his room Shota lowered his head hearing his son like this, he tried to talk to him but he didn't want anything to do with him, he just kept blaming himself for his mom's death. What made it even more painful for Izuku was that it happened right when his life was just starting to get better and right before his birthday, he also finally found friends that cared for him.

Shota walked to the kitchen and decided to try and make Katsudon, he remembers how Inko taught him to make it. He grabbed the pork, eggs and breading and was about to get started cooking when he heard a knock on the door.

He walked to the door and opened it seeing both Rumi and Ryuko standing outside the door, they were both also holding gift bags. Rumi was wearing black jeans and a white shirt while Ryuko had a dress shirt on along with black leggings.

"Usagiyama, Tatsuma" he said looking at them.

"Hello Mr Aizawa.. is I-Izuku here?" Said Rumi quietly.

"He's in his room..... Please help him" he said before he turned around and walked away heading back to the kitchen.

Rumi and Ryuko walked up to his room and gently knocked on his door, as they waited for a response both of them remembered the conversation they had with Rumi's mom in the car.



Ryuko was sitting in the back of the car looking out the window with a sad expression, her nor Rumi could even fathom what Izuku is going through.

Mito looked at her daughter and her best friend, they have been really down ever since they found out what happened to Izuku.

Mito was in her mid twenties and had short white hair tied in a small pony tail, she had two long white rabbit ears and the same wheat colored skin as Rumi. Her life became much harder when she found out she was pregnant at 16 and her boyfriend basically abandoned her with the baby along with her own family, because of this she had to drop out and get two jobs to take care of herself and Rumi.

A couple years later when she brought Rumi to her first day at kindergarten she met her friend Greya and her daughter Ryuko, ever since then they've been best friends.

"So what are you two going to do?" She asked while she continued to drive her car she thankfully got a good deal on.

"W-we'll talk to h-him and try and make him happy" said Rumi.

Ryuko nodded her head as she played with the hem of her skirt.

"I remember when you told me that he helped both of you when you two were getting bullied, maybe it's your turn to be the ones that save him" said Mito.

Both of them looked at her realizing what she meant, she was telling them to be his heroes.

"Ok mom.." said Rumi with determination in her voice as her eyes hardened.

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