Chapter 11. We Love You

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Izuku looked over at Rumi and Ryuko who had been more or less dragging him out of UA, they both seemed really angry and he wasn't sure 100% why exactly. Though in the back of his mind he had a slight idea on way but he brushed it off when he heard Rumi grumbling under her breath about something with a pink skinned girl and punting them.

"Um Rumi? Ryuko?" Said Izuku trying to get their attention.

Rumi stopped and looked at him with a slight hurt look in her eyes that didn't belong in those red orbs "who was she!... Are we not good enough!..... Am I not good enough". She said before whispering the last part as her insecurities came back as her mind replayed the moment Ryuko kissed Izuku.

The other two didn't hear what she whispered "what do you mean good enough? You two are my best friends, nothing will change that" said Izuku.

"... T-then..." The image of that pink skinned girl getting really close to Izuku came back and how she was going to ask him on a date replayed. She didn't know what to do so she just let her instincts take control.

Izuku was suddenly grabbed by the collar of his shirt and pulled down before Rumi smashed her lips against his and poured all her emotions into this a kiss, after a couple seconds she let go and had tears In her eyes. "I fucking love you!.... But I know you don't like me... That kiss earlier with Ryuko told me".

She then turned and ran off while trying to hide her weakness from him, she hated being so weak and letting her emotions get the better of her but she just felt so hurt and betrayed. "Why would I think he'd like me... He just saw me as a friend!".

"W-wait Rumi!" Yelled out Izuku but she ignored him.

"Don't worry I'll talk to her Izuku, I'll try and get her to call you or I'll call you later to inform you on what's going on" said Ryuko before she ran off after her.

Izuku stood still not knowing what to do, his mind then went to the two kisses and how over the last couple years they became even closer, not only that but how they wore more revealing clothing around him and only him.

"... They both loved me...... I... I'm so fucking stupid for not seeing it sooner..." He said as he started to head home hoping maybe Emi would be home so he could talk to her and get her advice.


Ryuko stopped Infront of Rumi's home and gently knocked on the door, a couple seconds later Mito opened the door "she's in her room and I know why she's crying so I called your mom over also, I think we should all talk once Rumi calms down".

"Ok.." she said as she walked to Rumi's room and opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed crying, her ears drooped down and she held her legs in as tears ran down her face.

"G-go away..." Said Rumi.

"We need to talk Rumi" she said as she sat down on her bed next to her "I'm sorry for kissing him... I liked it and.. my instincts just took over and I kissed him before I realized it".

Rumi looked at her for a moment "I figured... And well... You know I like him as well since I kissed him" she said quietly but was still heard "... I know I don't stand a chance.. he's probably gonna go after you".

Ryuko shook her head "he gives you attention and is always around you.. I think he's going to be with you" she said.

Both girls then stayed silent not knowing what to say given they both liked him and they both wanted to be with him but they didn't want to hurt each other by one of them getting with Izuku while the other didn't.

Before they could start talking they heard Mito calling them down, they both headed into the living room where they saw both Mito and Greya sitting on the couch.

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