Chapter 22. The First Rounds

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Izuku was sitting with Rumi and Ryuko, they were all waiting for the first round to be announced to see who will be fighting in the first round.

"Man they called us all out here and we've just been sitting here for 10 minutes now..." said Rumi annoyed.

"I do have to agree, it's a bit annoying.." said Izuku.

Before anyone else could speak, Present Mic began.

"HELLO EVERYONE!! LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED WITH THE VERY FIRST FIGHT!!! IT SHALL BE.. KATSUKI BAKUGO VS OCHAKO URARAKA!!! Also just so all of you know, instead of going down the list like normal, we will be bouncing around to keep the matches interesting".

Izukus eyes immediately narrowed at hearing that, he knew how Katsuki acted and his head started to hurt as suppressed memories slowly started to surface again of stuff he's long forgotten.

"I need to talk to Uraraka before the fight starts, so she knows about how hostile he is" said Izuku standing up as he walked off, heading towards where he last saw her.

"K" said Rumi as she continued to wait for the matches to start and began to flop her ears around in sheer bordem.

With Izuku he was walking down the halls, looking for Ochako, when he finally saw her and began to head towards her faster.

"Uraraka" he said getting her attention.

"Oh Izuku, what's up?" She asked looking at him curiously since she was getting ready for her fight.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to warn you about Bakugo" he said.

"Warn me about what? I saw that he's a bit aggressive" said Ochako.

"He's more than that.. he won't hesitate yo hurt you seriously and make it look like a accident, he's nothing more than a bully and if he can get away with it, he will hurt you badly, so please be careful" said Izuku not wanting to see his friend get hurt.

Ochako blushed a little, but pushed her feelings down, he was with Rumi and Ryuko "thank you Izuku I really appreciate the warning".

He nodded his head then leaned in next to her ear and whispered "he has very good fighting instincts, he can react on pure instinct".

Izuku then walked away after patting her shoulder to show his support, before he left heading back to the stands where his girlfriends were.


Ochako arrived on the stage with tens of thousands of people watching it, it made her very nervous, until she spotted two familiar figures up in the stands near the front. They were her parents who were cheering happily at seeing her get this far.

Ochako wiped a tear of happiness from her eye, before she hardened her resolve and looked at her opponent who was stomping his way towards her, he had a massive scowl on his face and kept letting off tiny explosions from his hands.

"Are both fighters ready?" Asked Midnight looking at them both, but her eyes lingered longer on Bakugo, not liking the look in his eye.

"Just get this stupid fucking match started you harlot" he snarled.

Narrowing her eyes, she kept a professional face but had to beat down her anger before she cracked her whip "BEGIN".

Before Ochako could even move, Bakugo released a massive explosion and propelled himself forward and placed his hand on her stomach.


A even bigger explosion went off and blew her stomach up, sending her flying across the ring and was about to smash into the wall head first but someone stopped her.

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