Chapter 10. UA Entrance Exam

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Izuku, Rumi and Ryuko were walking through the UA entrance for the exam, the walked down the halls and eventually arrived at the auditorium, they all say together and looked at the large tests Infront of them. If they had to guess they had about 30 pieces of paper Infront of them and they were all double sided meaning they basically had 60 pieces to answer.

"For once I'm glad Nezu is a sadist and taught us everything we needed to know or else I'd be screwed..." Said Rumi as her ears drooped down.

"Yeah... Those lessons were hell..." Said Ryuko as she brushed some of her hair out of her right eye to show both eyes.

"It could've been worse... He could've been in a bad mood..." Said Izuku.

Both girls shivered at that thought.

Just then at the front of the auditorium Aizawa walked out to his stand and gave out a sigh "don't cheat or else you'll be kicked out on the spot, you have 2 hours and it starts now". He then spun on his heel and walked away.

"That's so like you dad/Mr Aizawa" thought Izuku, Rumi and Ryuko simultaneously.

They open their packets and began filling out all the questions, some questions were decently hard while other ones made some candidates start to cry.

A total of 17 candidates were kicked out for cheating or causing a scene which was bothering the others.

It took Izuku, Rumi and Ryuko a hour and a half until the finished the packet and flipped it over, a couple seconds later a robot came by and took their packets before it drove off to drop them off to be graded.

Izuku turned to Rumi and started to do sign language to talk to her since they all learned sign language thanks to Aizawa and him telling them it was a very important skill to learn, especially if you have to be quiet and don't want to alert the villains.

"How was the test for you?" Signed Izuku.

"Hard, especially after question 120, that's when it got really hard" signed Rumi.

Izuku let out a very tiny chuckle "I saw since your ears kept bouncing up and down, also your foot would start to stomp".

Rumi looked away but in the corner of her eyes she saw Ryuko giving a fanged grin "they aren't that hard Rumi".

In response she got a perfect middle finger from Rumi.


All the packets were taken away from everyone and now they were all waiting for a teacher to give them their next instructions.

"So afterwards what would you two wanna do?" Said Izuku looking at both of them.

"I'm in the mood for some sweets, but I'd also like to just hangout in a park" said Ryuko.

"I want carrots" said Rumi.

Izuku chopped Rumi's head making her squeak and hold her head as her ears flopped to the side "no Rumi you had 10 this morning, you don't need anymore".

"I will eat the carrots even if you say no!" She snapped but then he grabbed her ear and started to pull on it making her whine "stop pulling on my ear".

"Then stop eating so many carrots, you already eat 10, you don't need anymore".

"But carrots are tasty".

Ryuko giggled seeing this, it was always adorable watching Izuku trying to get Rumi to stop eating so many carrots.

Both of them kept bantering before Rumi grabbed his cheek and started to pull on it while he continued to pull on her ear.

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