2. Forming a bond

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Then, under a tree, I see Winston and got an idea. What better opportunity to bond and get to know him better than this? With that in mind, i walked closer and sat down next to him.

"Can I sit next to you?" I asked Winston with the sweetest voice that I could master.

"Yes of course" answered Winston.

As I sat down on the grass, I felt some of it prickle my skin -as I was still in my bikini- and I let out a small hiss. When Winston heard it, he immediately got up and returned with an animal skin for me to sit on.

"Thank you"

"It's my duty to take care of you" said Winston "Why are you not with the other females Andromache?"

Okay, time to put those flirting skills of mine to work because right now they are practically non existent.

"Because I would much rather talk with you and get to know you"

... Congratulations Andromache, somewhere on Earth a flirting guru is facepalming himself at your lame attempt to flirt...

However that lame attempt of flirting made Winston blush.

"You want to spend time with me?" Winston asked in disbelief.

"Yes, why wouldn't I?"

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"No, why would I be? You look like a good male"

Winston was a blushing mess and he looked away to hide his face from my view.

Nooo sweetheart, let me see that sweet blushing face.

Okay, so how am I supposed to have a conversation with Winston when both of us are clearly awkward introverts? Well, I got myself onto the dancefloor so I will dance.

"Did you roast this meat for me?" I asked him trying to start a conversation.

"Yes, I hunted a deer for you to eat and roasted the meat myself. I also picked some fruits on the way since I know that females enjoy eating them. Are they to your liking?"

Winston turned to finally look at me with round eyes, clearly expecting an answer.

"Yes, the meat is perfectly roasted and I love eating fruits. You did a perfect job Winston." I said sincerely.

At that Winston smiled "I'm glad I was able to please you"



"It's too much food for me to finish on my own... Here, eat with me" I said while cutting a piece of meat, holding it in front of him.

I knew exactly what I was doing. I've read that females from this world don't give food -or anything else- to their males. If they did, it means that they are interested in that male.

"A-Are you sure?" he said with a soft voice while looking at me.

"Yes, please take a bite" I said while bringing a piece of meat to his lips.

Slowly, he reluctantly took a bite of the meat and I smiled. Alright, time to get to know this sexy tiger a little better.

"So Winston, please tell me about yourself and your life"

"There's nothing much to talk about. I'm a tetra-marked beastman and I'm 33 years old. My brother is the tiger king but we are not close. My parents are dead and I have yet to find a female to mate with so I'm alone"

"Why is that?"

"Because of my scar... No female wants an ugly male as her mate. Most of them are either scared or intimidated just from my presence. Moreover, I'm getting older and females enjoy the presence of a younger beastman." Winston said, leaving a long sight in the end and he averted his eyes from me.

"Winston, look at me"

He reluctantly returned his gaze to me while looking sad.

"I don't find you ugly nor am I scared or intimidated in your presence. On the contrary, I find you extremely attractive and I think that you are a very reliable male"

As I said that, his eyes opened wide and he wore an excited and hopefull expression on his face.

"I'm interested in you Winston and I want to get to know you better" I declared while looking straight into his eyes so that he knows I'm not joking.

"Really? Do you really mean it?"

"Yes, I really want us to get to know each other" I used my most sincere voice as I took hold of both his hands. I could see in his eyes that he was trying to control his emotions so I continued. "And I want us to be open about what we want from each other. If you want to talk to me, come and talk to me, if you want to ask me something come and ask me something and... If you want to hug me, come and hug m-"

Before I could even finish my sentence, he wrapped both his hands around me, hugging me tightly.

"Winston, I will not let you be alone from now on..." I said as I returned his tight embrace with one of own.

That's when I felt that he was trembling... No Winston please don't do this to me, my poor heart can't handle it... I started patting his back and caressing his hair trying to calm him down but his arms became even more tight around me. Even so, I didn't complain and let him hug me to his hearts' content.

After some time, he let me go and looked at me and I swear I needed sunglasses because his smile shined brighter than the sun. I returned his smile with one of my own showing him that I was happy because I made him smile.

After we finished eating, the sun had already started to go down and the weather started to be a little chilly. When Winston saw that I started trembling a little, he started a fire and transformed into his tiger form and curled around me to keep me warm.

It was a long day today and a very weird one... I somehow transmigrated into the comic that I was reading and did not panic -big achievement for me because I get worried and anxious about everything and anything- and met my favourite character and I also expressed my interest in him as a male and he accepted it... I believe I deserve a good night's sleep. That was the last thing I thought before cuddling Winston who was curled around me in his tiger form.



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