46. Ruins

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Hello everyone! Author here.

How are you all doing? I hope that you are having an amazing time.

Here's a new chapter. If you like it, then leave a like and comment on your favourite part, cause I really enjoy reading your comments.



I woke up sandwiched between Leon and Winston, naked under the covers, feeling all kinds of fuzzy. Ah, such a good feeling.

As I started to stir and squirm around, I woke my men up. Winston always has the easiest time waking up, while it takes a minute or two for Leon.

"Good morning, my loves" I happily said to them as Winston kissed and nuzzled my neck.

"Good morning" He chuffed and I giggled as I nuzzled Leon's chest. The lion kissed the top of my head as he stayed like that for a few minutes before slowly getting up to get ready.

Both of them got up before I did and went to get clean clothes to wear. I really wish they could always walk around naked, their bodies are mouthwatering.

Stop, stop! Bad Andromache!

Looking closer at them though, both Winston and Leon have hickeys and bite marks on their necks and shoulders, even some on their chest area. Most of them were left by me, but some of them are from them giving me a show.

I'm not even going to talk about my body, it's full of hickeys and biting marks. Compared to me, they have nothing on their bodies.

I got up and followed after them. Just as Winston was about to put on an animal skirt, I hugged him from behind and kissed his back. My arms wrapped around him, one on his chest and the other on his abs.

"Do you have to leave me?" I asked them.

"We also don't want to leave you my love, but we have to" Winston said to me and I didn't need to look at him to know that he was smiling.

Leon leaned down to take his cape and... This man doesn't just have cake, he doesn't just have a bakery, he has the whole cake factory. I'm so jealous right now...

I decided to do to him something that he always does to me; I grabbed his ass before giving it a small slap.

Judging by his reaction and the way he jumped, he wasn't expecting that. He looked at me with an expression that screamed 'what the fuck?' and I laughed "I like your butt" Was all I said.

He looked down as he smiled and then grabbed my ass and gave it a good squeeze "What a coincidence" he said "I really like yours too"

After getting dressed, we went downstairs. Shuu was there and I practically run and jumped into his arms to kiss him.

Shuu easily caught me and spun me around to make me laught. Oh this wolf, he is one who is the most playful with me and entertains me when I'm feeling like a five year old.

And this woman right here is going to become a mother for the second time... Yeah... I need to grow up...

"Don't jump around like that little flower, you are going to get hurt" Harvey said as he came inside the house "Come, let's go cook breakfast. You need lots of food for the cubs"

After we ate breakfast, Shuu went to his father's castle, while Leon and Winston went to their castle. Harvey took his bag that was full of medicines and pastes and went to visit Ares. I, of course, followed him.

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