8. Awkward...

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I was sleeping peacefully on my side until I felt something caressing me. I opened my eyes and saw that I was hugging a very naked Winston and he was smiling at me.

"Good morning Andromache. How are you feeling?" He asked me as he caressed my hair.

"Good morning. I feel sore all over my body but I feel so good at the same time" I said as I gave him a kiss. Just then, I felt movement behind me and lips leaving kisses on my shoulder and back.

"Good morning to you too Curtis" I giggled and he threw an arm around me.

"Good morning" he said with a chuckle.

"How are you two feeling?"

"Still can't believe that I'm now mated" Curtis said as he gave my neck kisses and I turn my head a little bit so he can give me one on the lips as well.

"I love lazy mornings like this one" I purred out with all the affection that I was getting from my two mates "But I feel all sticky... I wanna take a bath"

"There is a small lake nearby. Do you want to go there and bathe?"

"I would love to Curtis"

We got up and got our clothes. I didn't get dressed because now I only have this clothes to wear until we return to the city and I ain't soiling them. Since no one is here to look at me, I feel safe enough to go there naked. Curtis took my mushrooms because we'll be returning to the Beast City after we are done bathing.

We were at the lake in less than 10' minutes and I immediately got in the water. Finally clean again. Winston and Curtis followed closely behind me and Winston helped me wash my hair. When I was done, I started untangling my hair with my finger and then helped Curtis and Winston untangle their hair as well.

When we were done and it was time to get out Winston pulled me in for a kiss and it made me smile. Curtis gave me one as well, that jealous snake.

We got out and I finally got dressed. We started walking when suddenly a small part of the ground that I was walking on gave away and as a result I sprained my foot.

"Fuck! That hurted like a bitch!"

"Are you alright Andromache? Let me see!" Curtis said as he inspected my foot.

"It's alright, I'm not dying or anything, I just sprained my ankle. Goddamn, why did this happen?"

"You stepped on top of a rabbit hole and you weight a lot more than it could handle. Come on get on top of me. I know there's a doctor at Camel Valley who can heal your foot" Winston said and he immediately transformed into his tiger form to carry me. Curtis helped me get on top of Winston and he himself carried my mushrooms.

Half an hour later we were at Camel Valley village. Just as we were about to get in, some leopard beastmen stood right in front of us and started growling at us. I followed their line of vision and saw that they were looking at Curtis who became more and more agitated by the minute.

"Please stop growling at him. He is not a threat, he is my mate. See?" I showed them his spousal mark and they stopped growling "We are going back to our house in the Beast City. But I sprained my foot so we are here to see the village's doctor. Can you please let us pass?"

When I finished speaking they let us in but not without ogling at me which made Winston and Curtis to send them death glares so, as was expected, no one dared to make a move on me.

Winston stopped in front of a hut which I assume is the doctor's house. Curtis knocked the door and a beautiful man with golden hair and blue eyes opened the door. He was lean with leopard ears on top of his head and he didn't have any stripes. Why do I get the feeling that I know him?

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