3. Choices

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I felt something nudging me in my sleep. It's something wet and it's very persistent. Who dares to interrupt my beauty sleep? Don't you know that I will get bags under my eyes if I don't sleep at least 8 hours a day? Who wants to see me like a cranky racoon first thing in the morning? Because believe me when I say that it's an unforgettable experience...

*Nudge nudge*

Oh for the love of God, what is that wet thing that's nudging me?

"Give me five more minutes and I'll get up"

*Nudge nudge*

You persistent little... I finally opened my eyes only to come face to face with a white tiger. What the...!? I was about to shout out of fear but then all the memories came flooding back to me and I relaxed again. I guess I have to get used to waking up to a tiger from now on.

"Good morning Winston" I said while petting the giant tiger and in return Winston started rubbing his head against me and started chuffing to give me a good morning greeting.

I am living the dream... Beautiful men everywhere and you can pet wild animals that could tear you apart without even trying. If only they had internet... I mean they don't even have proper bathrooms, how are they supposed to have internet... Even so, a girl can wish.

"Did you have a good night's sleep?" I asked while giving him chin scratches which I believe he is thoroughly enjoying based on how much he is chuffing and how much his tail is swinging back and forth.

I slowly get up and stretch a little bit. Oh dear god, my back hurts... My back was not made to lay on the ground... But even if my back hurts, I will not voice it out. It's not like we had a futon or something for me to sleep on.

Winston got up and stretched. After that he let out a loud roar and the other beastmen woke up along with the females. Guess we have to start walking early if we ever want to reach the City of Beasts. I walked for a little bit with Winston by my side but after a while I got tired and hopped on his back.

After a lot of hours of traveling, we finally stoped to eat something. I got down from Winston's back and he went to hunt something for us to eat. Without anything to do, I went back to talk with the females, but the conversation that they wanted to have was not one that I would enjoy engaging in.

"Andromache, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you were with that tiger yesterday till now. Did he force you or something?"

"Of course not! Why would he force me to spend time with him?"

"If he didn't force you, then why would you willingly want to spend time with such an ugly male like him?"

"Don't you get it Nina? She is with him because he is a tetra-marked beastman. This female is giving herself to him just because he is powerfull."

"First of all, no, to me his appearance is not repulsive and I actually find him really handsome and attractive and second, I believe that he is a very capable male who I can depend on and whom I can trust. And, for your information, whom I chose is my business only and not yours."

After I said that I left and went nearby to search for some spices or some herbs or even fruits and vegetables. I found some berries and some chili peppers but nothing else. Just when I started feeling dejected and thought that I wouldn't find anything else, i came across some potatoes! Potatoes! I'm so happy that I could cry. If I have potatoes, everything is going to be alright. The fact that I'm a foodie means that I want variety when it comes to things that I eat. I know that rice exists here but does wheat exist as well? If yes, then I will not starve.

Just as I was about to turn back and return to the "camp", someone embraced me from behind.

"Why did you leave the others? I thought I would go crazy when I didn't see you" I turned around and there was no other than Winston. "Don't do that to me again"

"Winston, don't worry. I just went out to look for some things that I need to cook with. Come on, let's go back and I will cook for you"

After we returned, I saw some dead rabbits and a deer waiting for us to cook. I was excited to eat potatoes so I immediately went to work. Winston didn't like the fact that I was so close to the fire, but I assured him that I would be fine. As I was working on the rabbits and the potatoes, Winston was skinning the deer. He left for a moment to hang the deer skin to let it dry and I saw him talking to another tiger beastman. After 5 minutes or so he returned with a smile on his face.

"What got you smiling so much?" I asked him with a grin.

"They told me that you had a logomachy with the other females about me and you defended me."

"Of course I will defend you if someone is talking like that about you. If someone is bad-mouthing you then they will have to answer to me first."

After that, I focused on making our lunch. Winston watched me with curiosity as I added the peppers to the rabbits. I decided that I want crispy potatoes. After I was finished I turned to Winston to taste the rabbit. It was just comical the way his eyes opened wide when he tasted the food. Then I gave him the crispy potatoes to try. Winston knew about potatoes, or stone fruits as they called it here, and said they didn't taste good, but when he tried the one I gave him, I believe he had a change of heart about them.

We ate till our stomachs were full. Other beastmen of the trading party came to see what was that mouth-watering scent, but all it took was one growl from Winston to send them off. In the meanwhile, Winston came back with the deer skin and tried to make me some clothes to wear but he was not very successful. He was a little dejected so I decided to help him a little and made myself a tube top and a skirt. After that, we took off again to go to the Beast City.


5 days later we were at Camel Valley, finally a place that I recognise. Winston told me that Camel Valley was a day's distance from the City of Beasts. We decided to rest there.

Winston and I came very close these past few days. Now I understand that the comic didn't do him justice because he was 100% more loveable and reliable. He is like a fierce commander to others but to me he the sweetest tiger I've ever met.

Just as we passed Camel Valley, I saw something that I didn't want to see... An Asian girl with a cute dress and mud all over her face on top of a leopard... I assume that that leopard is Parker so that means that the girl is none other than Bai Qingqing...

Dear God, why? And also, Qingqing was supposed to transmigrate here way before the trading party returned to the city. But now the trading party is a day's distance from the City of Beasts. Did I somehow change the timeline or something?

But wait a minute... That means that mister snake was still single. And not just any snake, a tetra-marked, red, hot (-tempered) snake that goes by the name Curtis.

I technically stole Winston from her harem, so what is stopping me from taking Curtis as well? Technically speaking, Parker will only get hurt if Bai is stolen by Curtis, both physically and mentally. So if I take Curtis I will have more protection for myself and Parker will have Bai all to himself and, because at Camel Valley he is the strongest, he won't have any love rivals and Bai can keep the "one male" ideology.

Whether she will survive or not, that's her problem. I'm allergic to idiots and if I'm near her I'm worried that I will lose braincells.

The real question is, should I try to find Curtis or not? And if I do, how am I going to tell Winston about another male when we haven't even mated?



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