14. Baskets

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Thanks a lot for reading and liking my story. I read all of the suggestions that you made about which characters or animals should make an appearance in the fanfic and I promise to add some of them.
Leave a comment on your favourite part of the chapter cause I love, love, love reading them.



In my previous world, waking up was the hardest thing of the day and I was wishing that morning would never come so that I would remain in my bed, all bundled up and under my soft and fluffy covers. But, oh how the tables have turned on me, because now waking up is one of my favourite things. Mostly because I'm cuddled by two extremely handsome men, but hey, a change is a change.

I tried to get up without disturbing Winston's and Curtis' sleep, but I guess that was an impossible task when I was literally sandwiched between them.

"Where are you going, little one?" Groggily asked Curtis, still trying to fully open his eyes.

"I'm going downstairs to cook breakfast for us. I'm sorry that I woke you up. Go back to sleep, I'll call you when it's ready for you to eat" I whispered.

"No, no, we are coming with you" said Winston as he got up.

"Nooo, my love. I wanted you both to have a little bit of extra sleep, that's why I tried not to disturb you" I whined and pouted but both of them got up, Winston having an easier time than Curtis, and insisted on following me downstairs so that I won't be alone.

But, once I opened the front door, there was a surprise for me there...

"Shuu?" There he was, sited in front of our house, waiting for us to get out.

"Andromache!" He happily said with a smile on his face as he got up, but his happiness was short lived.

Curtis, who up until a second ago had a hand on Winston's shoulder to stabilise himself as he was still not mentally prepared and willing to open his eyes to start the day and was quietly complaining about how much he hates waking up, now was wide awake and was emitting a killing aura that even made me scared for my life.

He pulled me to him and started hissing threateningly "Who is this pup? Is he the wolf beastman that you talked about the previous day?"

"Please calm down Curtis, we talked about this, didn't we?" I rubbed up and down his arms and giving him small kisses all over his face to calm him down.

He stopped hissing but the killing aura remained there and I could see that he was staring daggers behind me, daring poor Shuu to do anything else but leave.

"Come on Curtis, there's no need for you to be like that. We talked about this and you know how much I love you" I continued with the soothing tone because I can understand him, he feels jealous and threatened and it's completely understandable. To tell you the truth, if I was in his place, I would do way worse than just hiss.

He looked at me and his eyes softened. He let out a frustrated sight and pressed his forehead to mine.

'She loves me, I know she loves me... She will be disappointed in me if I don't calm down' thought Curtis, trying to calm the beast inside him that wanted to be freed.

His arms around me loosened and I turned around to look at Winston who was looking pretty indifferent if you ask me as he was staring at Shuu, but unlike Curtis who voiced out his displeasure, I'm 100% sure that Winston is just as much angry as him if not more and is just not showing it.

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