44. Love hurts

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Hello everyone! Author here!

How are you all doing? I hope that you are having an amazing time.

Here's a new chapter. If you like it, the like and comment on your favourite part.



The next day, we got up early in the morning and went to the smilodons.

My heart was beating so fast, that is wouldn't be impossible for it to jump out of my chest...

Panic was setting in, thinking that maybe something went wrong and Ares is not with us anymore.

I'm not really a religious person, but I actually prayed that Ares would be alright... as alright as he can be in this situation.

We didn't see anyone else outside his tent. Great, we have no-one to ask if everything is okay.

Harvey took the liberty and went inside Ares tent while we stayed outside.

A minute went by, then two, then three and Harvey hasn't said a single word.

"Harvey?" I meekly said out his name, my voice a whisper. Even beastmen who naturally have better hearing would have trouble understanding what I said now.

A minute later, the chief came out of the tent. He remained by Ares' side all night it seemed, taking care of his strongest warrior.

We all looked at him and he smiled "He weak, but alive" He said as he put a hand on his heart and let out a sigh of relief.

The relief I felt was immense, it's like I could finally breath again and I erupted in tears out of happiness.

Before long, Harvey came out and looked at me "He is breathing steadily and his heartbeat is strong. He is a warrior, he won't die without a fight"


And that's how the rest of the first week went by; us waking up, going to the smilodons, Harvey checking up on Ares and then us returning home.

The second and third week, I visited every single day. I wanted to see Ares, but they wouldn't allow me to get inside his tent... I didn't know why.

Did I do something?

I went to visit again today alongside Harvey and once again, only Harvey was allowed to get inside. I know that other smilodon beastmen came to visit him, so I don't know why I can't go in.

When I said that I wanted to see Ares, the chief gave me a sad smile, but said that he can't let me in Ares' tent.

I was sad but accepted that I just can't force someone to be around me. There must be a reason that I'm not allowed to get inside his tent.

"I understand" My heart shattered as I said that to the chief "Please take this. It's for Ares"

The chief took the container from my hands and opened it "Smell good. What is this?"

"It's soup" I said as I also gave him a spoon "Back in my tribe, we give it to those who are injured or sick. It's easy for them to digest and it's good for their health. I made it for Ares since Harvey said that yesterday he had a fever. You use the spoon to eat the soup, like this..."

The chief had a weird expression on his face as he looked at me. I didn't know why, but he looked at me with a sad expression that held.. pity?

"You made...soup... yourself? For Ares?"

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