23. Confrontation

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The scorpion attack thankfully did not end in tragedy. There were almost no casualties when it comes to the lion tribe and no female was harmed. The lion beastmen used their own bodies to act as a wall and the scorpion beastmen were not able to break it.

Curtis has almost been burned alive but he luckily escaped and promoted, but he was not completely unscratched.

He has some burns which Harvey putted some paste on to help them heal, even though Curtis said he didn't need it cause the burns will heal on their own. Well, I don't give a damn about what Curtis says, he will get treated whether he likes it or not and that's final.

I also fed him one emerald, which he made a fuss about because he didn't want to take it from me, but I threatened him that I will shove the whole pouch with the emeralds down his throat if he doesn't take at least one.

I went out to cook my men some food, they must be exhausted and starving. What they went through today... I don't want to even think about it anymore...

I cooked rice with chicken and also fried eggs. I also made some soft-boiled eggs because I know that Curtis loves them.

My men and Harvey are all still sitting on the rug and it looks like they are not going to get up anytime now. I brought the food to them, and also offered Harvey some food too and asked him to stay.

Curtis is still lying down, so I moved his head so it's now on my lap. Leon and Winston moved so that they're now sitting besides me. I looked at him with teary eyes and he just changed his expression to a fond one, bringing his hand to my cheek and mouthing to me 'I'm okay, it's not painful'.

I fed Curtis, giving him lot's of eggs cause I know he loves them. But, because I don't want Leon and Winston to feel left out, I fed them some chicken too and gave them small kisses.

Harvey just watched the scene in front of him, heart warming at how loving Andromache was acting towards her males.

Once we ate our food, I cleared my throat and said what has been on my mind.

"Don't you find it weird that the scorpion attack happened at the lion clan's territory, the day after you started dismantling the wall? Even if there was a scorpion beastman nearby, wouldn't it have taken him a long time to go back to his clan and then come and attack, after of course they decide if, when, where and how they will attack the city?"

"Where are you going with this Andromache?" Leon asked with a frown on his face.

"Before coming to the city, you discussed with the other kings what you needed for your tribe, right? Rules so that all tribes can coexist peacefully, what will the contribution of the lion tribe be to the city for it to be accepted, what will the lion tribe need, for example a big territory..."

"Yes, we did"

"Did you notice ape king trying to befriend you?"

"What does that have to do with the scorpion attack?"

"You said that ape king was the only one who was accepting of the idea for the wall's dismantlement. Curtis said that an ape beastman tried to burn him alive. But why? What would the ape beastman gain by killing Curtis?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"What I'm trying to say is that this scorpion attack may have something to do with the ape clan and especially with the ape king. Think about it, most beastmen have one or two stripes. There are only a few who have three stripes and even fewer with four. The day at the bonfire, you went against ape king's wishes and Curtis and Winston let out beast pressure to make them go away. All of you were tetra-marked and will cooperate because of me and you technically are all fighting for the lion clan. That's a direct threat to his authority"

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