17. Heartless

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Hello~ Author here!
I hope that you are enjoying my story so far. Please leave a comment on your favorite part of the story cause it keeps me going.


The last four days have been really boring since I couldn't step a foot out the house unless it was for cooking, and even then both Curtis and Winston were glued to my side to scare off any males that got ideas about me.

The good things is that I made a lot of pillows and carpets and an even better bed for us to lie down with the help of Curtis who tried his best to keep me companied while Winston was working on our house.

There's also one thing that I realised as I was kissing my men... Well, more like as I was kissing Curtis...

When I kiss Winston there's sometimes tongue involved, something that I'm proud to say that I introduced him to.

But when I tried to do it to Curtis, I realised that his tongue is really slender. He is a snake so of course he is going to have a forked tongue for fucks sake. How dense can I be to not expect it? I saw him him flicking out his tongue several times so I should have know that already... So, when kissing gets more heated with him, feeling his tongue feels new and weird, but not unenjoyable.

On to the next subject...

I was so bored one evening that I even started singing. Both my men were intensely looking at me as if I did something extraordinary. And I even convinced Curtis to sing with me. Let me tell you, in my previous world, Curtis would be an amazing singer in addition to being a serial killer.

(FUN FACT: Snakes are actually not charmed by music. They rise up and "dance" because they perceive the pungi (the musical instrument) as threatening. This is their defensive pose. The pungi goes back and forth in front of their cute little faces and they just sway along with it because they are scared of it🥺)

I really want to make him sing a romantic or sexy song... He has the perfect voice to sing both of them...

And I also want to get Winston to sing something, anything at all. He seemed to be embarrassed to do so previously and said that he preferred to listen to me sing.

But that's a challenge for another time, now that my period is over, there's only one word inside my head... FREEDOM!!!

I'm allowed to go out!!! Finally!!!

I went out and run straight to the river with Curtis and Winston following me. We decided that I would go there to get some fresh air and dip my feet in the water and then return home with Winston while Curtis would go hunting.

Once I reached the river, I immediately dipped my feet into the water as I basked in the sun. Winston came and sat besides me and I put my head on his shoulder as Curtis went to have a little swim. He really loves water, he even said one time that swimming is his favourite thing to do.

"Curtis, can we come here again tomorrow to have a swim together?"

"Of course, I would love nothing more than to go swimming with my female" he said as he came closer to me.

Just then he looked behind me which made me turnaround and look as well. There stood none other than Leon.

"Good morning Leon! How are you?" I happily greeted him.

"Good morning Andromache. I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm just spending some time with my males. Do you want to sit with us as well?"

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