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"Yes sir."ibrahim say to the elderly man who's pinpointing some corrections in the site.

"I will do that insha Allah."ibrahim say as he walk to the car with the man explaining to him how far the work has gone and the possibility of them finishing soon.

"I will transfer the money to you this evening insha Allah."he say and ibrahim nod standing by the car, he wait until the car drive out of the site before he head back to where the workers are.

"Oga we will close Early today."one of the labourer say and ibrahim humm in response.

"Yes and I hope you all enjoy the weekend,
Salim."he call one of the workers and the boy rush to him.

"Pay them when the close,
I have something urgent to attend to and I'm not sure i will come back anytime soon
Please make sure you do this floor well."ibrahim say and head to his car.

He glance at his wrist watch and hiss,
It's few minutes to 5pm he haven't eat any decent meal since yesterday afternoon, this morning rukayya was too grumpy to make breakfast and he was busy getting there son dress,
Lunch doesn't exist during school days since both him and rukayya aren't home, usually he's the one that find time and go home to prepare lunch but this days he's to busy, he climb his car and his phone start ringing, he look at the phone screen and his mum name appear on it making him to sigh.

"Hello ummah."he answer putting the phone on speaker phone and drop it on his lap as he maneuver the car out of the site.

"Where are you?"his mum ask and he look down at the phone.

"I just leave my work place i want to go and pick haidar from the preschool, I will stop by your place."he say looking back to the road.

Till you come."his mum say and the call end making him to sigh.

He knows it's probably about his junior siblings school fees.

His immediate junior brother Bello is in his final year in the university,
Then Ahmad who's in same school at his wife in his second year studying pharmacy and there his sister Maryam Who's is going to write her waec this year, ibrahim knows he need atleast 300-500k to solve all this school fees issues and other personal problems for him, he just hope God will open a way for him because he doesn't want to disappoint his siblings because they have high hopes on him.

Halting in front of the black gate he come down with a sigh and the familiar elderly woman walk out.

"Daddy haidar you and picking this boy late,
He cry and slept off."she say and ibrahim smile weakly at the woman who hand him his son ans the children lunch bag.

"Thank you ma,am."he say quickly opening the car and strap the boy on the car seat before shutting the door with a sigh.

"Bye."he wave slightly at the elderly lady before climbing his car and drive to his mum house, it's about 30minutes drive to his mum house,
He didn't even get to park the  door to small kiosk open and his junior sister come out.

"Ya ibrahim welcome,
Is haidar in the car?"she ask excitedly and he nod coming out of the car, as his sister quickly open the back door to remove the little boy.

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