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Chapter nine

love is always patient and kind, it is never jealous, love is never boastful or conceited, it is never rude or selfish, it does not take offense and is not resentful, love takes no pleasure in other people's sin's, but delight in the truth, it is always ready for excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes~corinthians 13: 4-7


Coming out of the plaza premises i stand in the front porch, I sigh and stare at the busy premises with people coming in and out of the environment, I look down at the paper in my hand and release a frustrating sigh.

2weeks, it's been a rough 14days for me, since i found out about this pregnancy i wasn't happy, when i told  my mum she suggested that I should abort it, I took the advice and bought 2 misoprostol tablet and took it, it was a successful abortion or so i thought since i bleed for the next 5days, I decide to take the pregnancy test today to be sure if everything is already clear out of my system but it show's positive, tho it's normal sometimes one have to wait for another 3-4weeks before the pregnancy test shows negative, I was scared and doubtful wether or not i get rid of the pregnancy, especially with me still experiencing some pregnancy symptoms, so i decide to do am ultrasound today and unlucky me the radiologist told me i have a healthy baby of 12weeks growing inside of me, he ask me if i want to do an evacuation that he knows someone that will help me do it at a cheaper price, i decline not because i don't want to but because I'm scared and at thesame time want to hear my mum's suggestion, the last thing i want is to do evacuation i have witnessed how they do that process and it hurt alot,

I release a heavy breathe and come down from the porch, Ibrahim came 3days ago, he said he was discharged from the hospital, he has gained back his eyesight and he's hoping we can mend our marriage,
That's least of my problem, ibrahim is just a weak man that doesn't want to take responsibility and make money,i told him I'm not going back and whenever he's tired he should sent me my divorce paper or i will take him to Sharia court, it's not like he have any source of income to take care of responsibilities so I'm pretty sure the court will pressure him to divorce me, but with this pathetic pregnancy now I'm torn between going back to ibrahim house or do the evacuation, I push all thoughts away and climb the car with a sigh, I need to figure out a solution, to save myself from the hell of a marriage.


"Ummah i have to try,
I know rukky isn't the most responsible wife but I love my wife, we have a son and she have also contributed in my life one way or the other, I promise you if she didn't give me a listening ear today i will do as she requested."I say putting on haidar his shoes and my mum shrug.

"If you say so ibrahim,
You know very well rukky will not want to stay in this house with everyone for you to settle down,
I hope she listen to you."my mum say and i mutter Ameen before standing up with my son.

My leg still hurt a little but it's nothing very serious, I have gained my sigh and I can see clearly, I have been going to rukky house trying to convince her to abolish the divorce idea and let's try to fix our marriage but it's as if the more pressure applied the worst it gets.

Today I decide to go with haidar if not because of me maybe our son will make rukky understand that he needs a mother in his life, I come out of the house with a sigh and spot the yellow tricycle.

"Ya are you going with haidar?"my junior sister ask and i humm in response.

"Good Evening ya ibrahim."Aisha greet and i nod as i put haidar in the back of the tricycle before climbing in and sit next to the little boy who smile showing me his two tooth's.

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