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Love is forgiving,
Love is putting people's need before yours, love is patience.


"Ibrahim I'm not going to stay with your mother in the same house,
If you want me as your wife, find money and rent a place for us, God forbid let me go and stay in the same house with your mum, so everyone will be monitoring my life, it's not as if your family like me."rukayya say with a hiss as she impatiently tap her foot on the interlocked floor of her mum's house.

"Rukky."i call staring at her, she's standing with am angry face as usual her hands fold to her chest.
"Rukky why are you so been inconsiderate?
Come on we've been married for about 5years,
Can't you atleast be supportive of me this once?
Renting an apartment.......

"Ibrahim!"she call curtly
Rent a house or forget us kawaii,
I don't want to stay with your family I'm the same house,
Besides this whole thing is your idea I didn't beg you to come and resolve things with me."she say bitterly and I sigh.


"Rukky what?
Ibrahim 5years and you don't get any better everything just get worst,
I don't want that type of life for myself or my my son,
I didn't grow up in poverty and I'm certainly not going to let your bad luck jeopardize my son's future,
Man up Ibrahim,
Wake up, make money and take responsibilities,
I'm even doing you a favor by going back to stay with you,
Don't you think so?
You are always hoping without putting effort,
Money is the key to happiness Ibrahim,
Without money no woman will want to be with you,
Sure you can get a low class lady but someone like me,
Is a no,
I don't have much to say Ibrahim,
Whenever you are ready to take responsibility of your son and unborn child you are about to welcome,
But there's no magic word you will say to me that will make me go to live with your mum in the same house,
No way,
I don't have time for this long conversation, please abeg i need to go and rest."she say and head back inside as i stare at her, i wait until she climb the front porch and enter the parlour before I sigh.

I thought rukky will be excited when i told her I have 800,000k and we could invest in some business for now and start from somewhere, with how expensive life seems to be now, i decide maybe to rent a shop and order atleast 50-100 bags of cement and start selling people are building everyday and I'm sure something profitable can come out of it, but with
Rukkys demand on renting a house I don't think I can invest much on the business, i sigh with a facepalm and exit the house, sometimes i feel as tho I'm forgotten by the almighty, my patience wavering away as i feel so unlucky with each passing day but perhaps all this will come to pass and hopefully some day i will be happy.

Quote from the holy Qur'an surah Al- Anfal verse 46 (que,an 8:46)

وَأَطِيعُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ وَلَاتَنَـٰزَعُوا۟ فَتَفْشَلُوا۟ وَتَذْهَبَرِيحُكُمْ ۖ وَٱصْبِرُوٓا۟ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَمَعَ ٱلصَّـٰبِرِينَ

Wa atee'ul laaha wa Rasoolahoo wa laa tanaaza'oo fatafshaloo wa tazhaba reehukum wasbiroo; innal laaha ma'as saabireen

"And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute and [thus] lose courage and [then] your strength would depart; and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.

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