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"I'm seriously tired of all this,
You have to bring money out fah ibrahim,
What do you want me to do?
Ordinary diaper's now we can't afford in this house or what?
Since yesterday we've been eating semo in this house,
It has tired me Gaskiya."rukayya say very annoyed and ibrahim sigh.

"Rukky isn't it you and i that went to market this money,
The whole 45,000 has been exhausted in foodstuffs, what do you want me to do?
Here is the 1800,
If you change your mind on buying the small pack of the diapers that we can afford fine, if you still want big one then wait till I get money,
As for food,
We bought the necessary things,
There's rice there's everything in that list you wrote it yourself fisabillilallah."ibrahim day frustratedly with a sigh.

"What are you trying to say now?
That i Shouldn't talk or what?
Everyday we will go to market you will slash our budget into two and take it to your mum's,
What about my cream?
My pad nko?
I told you Bintah's wedding is end of this month which is next week until now you didn't give me a dine for the asoebi, she was part of my bridesmaid and even gave me a gift during my own wedding but now what did I do to her?
No asoebi no gift because of your stinginess,
Abeg ibrahim don't upset me this hot afternoon I don't have time for this rubbish."she say and throw the money for the diapers he gave her at him.

"Take your useless money,
"Aini ba matsiyachiya bane"
That you will pack this rumble dirty dirty money and give to me,
Go and buy the diapers yourself because I'm certainly not going to this area shop and start counting diaper's to buy telling the whole area that my husband is not man enough to buy am ordinary diaper's,
GOD FORBID." She spat and head to the kitchen leaving ibrahim who's standing in the parlour not even knowing what to say.

He sigh and pick the money from the floor, he enter the bedroom and pick the little boy that's playing on the bed before leaving the house.

The money he was expecting from the man he's handling his site didn't come as expected he gave him half the money he requested so he try to solve the few problems he's in, he gave Rukayya her complete school fees not because he want to but because he's scared she will start nagging,
He removed from the money and they went to the market and bought some food stuffs for them and his mum,
The remaining money in his account he's not even very sure if it will reach to handle the site for the week before the man sent the remaining money,
He also have to give his brother Ahmad even do it's half his school fees he feel so suffocated and tired of everything going on in his life and rukayya is certainly not helping,
Atleast a little supportive and encouraging words from her would have help but everyday she's calling him names.

He exit the house and head to the small shop in the area, he buy the diapers and head back home as he deliberate wether or not to even go in,
He decide to go to his mum's house to drop the few food stuffs he bought for them and maybe before he comes back rukayya will be less furious with him

Rukayya POV

"Everyday no money, no money as do he's the root of poverty, God forbid wlh had i known this how this stupid unbenefitting marriage is i wouldn't have marry in the first place."I grumble to myself as my phone start ringing, i look at the phone screen and it's my friend's name i quickly swipe the screen.

"Come and open gate for us hajiya."the familiar voice say and i laugh before ending the call quickly exiting the house and open the gate for them.

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