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3weeks later


"Where are you going to?"I ask ibrahim who's putting on some cologne, as i glance at the wall clock showing 8:20pm.

"I'm going to meet a client."he say and i just stare at him.

Ibrahim is a completely different person, since i got back from the hospital I've been trying to make sure our marriage work but it's as if all effort is in vain, ibrahim is always busy with site, he wakes up early leave home and comes back late at night sometimes past 10pm the few days he's home early he shower and go to bed early or say he's going to meet with a client, he's been having quite a few contracts now, not very big but manageable, I don't want to believe ibrahim is cheating on me, I've ask his sister if her bestfriend have anything with my husband but Maryam said no. I scratch my forehead and grab my veil.

"I'm going with you."I say standing up and he turn from the mirror stand.

"With me?'he say looking at me confuse and i nod.

"Yes with you,
I'm sure your client will be excited to meet your wife."I say opening the wardrobe.

"Rukky you are not serio......

"Ibrahim I'm not a fool.
Ever since you got this stupid contract you don't have time for me,
When last did we spend time together?
It's as if you are avoiding me,
Are you seeing someone?"I ask turning to face him because I've had enough of all this.

"Seeing someone!"he say confuse.
"Rukky when did you suddenly become interested in this marriage because the last time I checked you want a divorce, so does it matter if I'm seeing anyone?"he say buttoning the sleeve of his shirt as i look at him in bewilderment

I'm trying to make this marriage work an.......

"Trying to make what work rukky?
What exactly are you trying to make it work?
Because the almighty have blessed me now and you see I'm gradually coming back on my feet financially,
Isn't it?
Rukky you are a bad wife material, An ingrate, gold-digger,
You are just this lady that care about no one other than herself,
A self-centered individual........

I don't let him finish what he's saying i slap him.

"Don't call me names ibrahim,
Yes i know i wasn't there when you needed me the most,
I was selfish and wasn't thinking straight, but I've apologize or do you think I'm proud of what i did to you?
I wish i can go back in time and do things the right way a.........

"Exactly rukky,
You can't go back in time and i can't forget how you treated me either,
You weren't there when i needed you the most, you were mean, inconsiderate and......I don't even know what to describe you as, you don't care, so stop acting as tho i matter to you because i don't.
you are just pretending now because you see I'm gradually doing fine."he say and i just stay quiet, obviously he's right about everything but I'm not pretending about anything now, I'm just trying to make my marriage work.

"I said i was sorry, I apologize to you ibrahim, everyone in my situation would do same, I'm sorry for.........

"Sorry about what exactly rukky!"he yell to my face.
"You aborted our child because you don't want to be with me, you left me for weeks, I had an accident you weren't there even when i loss my sight you weren't there for me, I lost my mum you weren't there, and you stand here speaking about your situation,
What situation?
The situation you put yourself in, of not been satisfy with what you have,
Rukky what we had in the past before marriage those memories i will forever cherish them but you see those few years that past and all those things you did to me,
I won't forget them either,
And right now I'm not even sure wether or not you genuinely care about me or you are doing all this because I'm doing fine, it's hard to believe and trust in you rukayya."he say and. I just stay quiet staring at him as the tears roll down my cheeks, I watch as he grab the car key from the bedside and leave the bedroom.

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