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He still find it hard to process that rukayya can do something like this,
After what happened Ibrahim did the only needful thing he can which is hand rukky to the authority, Aisha sustain a first degree burn on the body while her face is a bit more severe, her parents denied him of seeing that daughter and told him to stay away from there daughter, rukky didn't even spend up to 24hours in the station her mum bailed her out and what amazed Ibrahim the more is that she shamelessly still come back to his house, he honestly doesn't know why he's still with rukky maybe it's for the fact that he can't say that divorce word, it's something halal Islamically but it's not something to be proud of, he has think alot and there are days he even concluded of divorcing rukky but once he face her he couldn't say the word, it's tiring but he has already loss all interest in the marriage, there are times that he think about maybe trying to work things out but how can he even start, when anytime he sees rukky he just feel upset and the memories from the past kept popping into his head, a part of me is still scared that rukky is just faking everything because things are getting better in my life, he don't trust her anymore and when one stop trusting your love, soon that love turns into hatred and he's afraid one of this days his hatred for rukky will make him do something he would regret

"Ibrahim are you going to ignore me forever?
I know what i did was wrong but.....
Put yourself in my shoes, i just couldn't control my anger and I...........

"Rukayya."Ibrahim call with a tiring sigh and stand up from the bed but rukky is quick to grab him, she kneel next to the bed and look up at him with a regretful expression.

"Ibrahim please forgive me,
I'm sorry,
I know a sorry won't change anything, it won't erased the pain I've caused you, a sorry won't take back all the insults and how badly I've mistreated you in the past, but it's the only word that i can say,
You are the only thing i look and it gives me hope that somehow my haidar will be back."she say with a sniff and Ibrahim just gently remove her hand from his leg.

"Rukayya."he say with a sigh.
What do you want me to do?
Do you know how many times I have to stay awake just thinking about everything, I've tried to forget everything but......
What is broken it's broken, there's nothing you can do to fix this marriage, i can't even trust you rukky, i don't know what to deal with any longer, is it haidar
disappearance and you hurting Aisha?
For what?
She did nothing wrong i was the one that hurt you right?
Then why did she have to pay the price of my judgement,
Once again rukayya you've won because her parents asked me to stay away from there daughter."Ibrahim say with a facepalm and swat her hand away from his trouser and exit the bedroom.

Rukky breakdown, she lay on the carpeted bedroom floor and cry,
She blame herself for everything, Ibrahim doesn't deserve any of this, she was the one who betrayed there love by been a very problematic and unsatisfying wife, she was the one that change there son school and ended up losing him, he is trying to fix his broken self and find a better spouse she is the one that break that to, for how long will she continue hurting him, that night rukky cry, she cry and pray to almighty to set her affairs right, she seek redemption and decide to turn into a new leaf.


Sitting outside the varender of the house i nibble on my fingers, it's a quiet Monday evening, Ibrahim doesn't usually stay home so I'm not expecting him to be back anytime soon, Ahmad is also doing the late shift, Maryam isn't home I'm sure she went to see her best friend that I burnt, i won't say I regret what I did to Aisha but I hate that my actions hurt my husband, even when Ibrahim took me to the station i wasn't angry at him, my mum bailed me out and make sure she give me the warning of my life, she told me to fix my marriage and stay in my husband house because life isn't as easy as it seems, my mum sure is a complicated lady, one minute she's asking me to leave Ibrahim the next She's telling me to fixed things.

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