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The most painful thing about death it's regardless how hurt or tiredly you grief the person isn't coming back and life continues, we learn to continue living with the pain as we embrace the memories left with us, it's been 8days since my mum's death, I just feel as tho everything in my life isn't going as i want it to be, my life in general is like an ocean of unluckiness, I'm currently sitting in the parlour just thinking about my life.

"Sallamu'alaikum."the familiar voice say and i look up.

"Good afternoon ya ibrahim."my sister bestfriend greet and i nod.

"Maryam left already."I say, it's just me and my junior brother Ahmad that's home, Bello left yesterday something about his NYSC registration.

I know, I just come to check on you and.......she fidget with her backpack as she unzip it and remove the black nylon.
"My mum say i should bring this."she say handing me the nylon and i collect it.

"Thank you."I say and drop the nylon on the floor next to my leg.
My mind drift to rukayya and haidar, I still find it hard to believe rukky hasn't call to pay her condolences to me, I'm very sure by now she would've know, I'm so tired of everything and rukky is least of my problem, I need to think of a way to make money to support my younger one's.

"Ya, is there anything you need me to help with , any chores?"Aisha ask snapping me out of my thoughts and i look up at her.

"No."I say with a heavy sigh as the parlour curtain fling open and Haidar run inside the parlour, making me to smile suprisely at him as he run to me, I pick him up and sit him on my lap as i kiss him on the cheek with a smile.

"Who do you come with?"I ask even tho he doesn't have a clue of what I'm saying as he play with a strand of my clothe, the parlour door open and i look up not suprise at all to see rukky, she's wearing a black abaya with her veil neatly wrapped around her head,
Rukky might hate me but she love haidar and that's something i love about her.


"What's she doing here?"rukky ask curtly with a glare at Aisha and i look at Aisha who's still standing by the couch.

"She just bring a message her mum sent her."I say and rukky hiss.

"What message, it's obvious this girl is trying to get your attention
"Aikin banza"
You can have the ibrahim as if i care, it's not as tho he's producing or adding anything significant to my life."rukky say annoy and sit on the one sitter couch next to me.

"Ya ibrahim let me get going it's getting late, I have to go get ready for Islamiya."she say and i nod.

"Then what?
Must you explain to him where you are going to?
"Daman Yan Islamiya suka iya sachen mazan mutane"rukky say and i just shake my head as Aisha exit the parlour, that's least of my problems I'm grieving about my mum so the last thing I want is rukky adding unnecessary pressure on me.

We stay quiet for a while as i just play with haidar that's sitting on my laps, at this point i don't know what to say, it's not as tho rukky care anyway.

"You said you rented a house?"she ask looking around the parlour with an irritated look on her face.

But I have rented it out to Someone else, i need money and i can't leave my siblings all by themselves here."i explain and rukky hiss as expected.

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