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2days and I'm still in the hospital, my family my mum and younger ones are been really supportive of me, as for my wife i won't say much, rukky barely spend time with me in the hospital, and the few minutes she say it's always she complaining and nagging as always but that's not what bothers me that most, my vision is diminishing, it's started yesterday afternoon i can barely see everything just seems blurry, I complained to the doctor and they check on me and gave me some medication but I guess it's not working, today it just get worst, I can barely see, everything is just too blurry and now my vision is completely blank, Darkness is the only thing I can see, a plain depressive anguish of Darkness that makes me angry at everything, i have completely loss my vision, I can only tell who is it by there voices this isn't something i never thought in my entire life i will experience.

"Ibrahim."my mum voice call and i humm in response, i am sitting probably facing the door, my back supported by the pillow.

"Won't you eat?"she ask and i can sense the worrisome in her voice, yet it's still didn't prevent me from shaking my head, food is least if my problem, I just want my vision back, i want to be able to see and do things myself not needing help with everything.

"Is rukayya here?"I ask blinking my eyes as do that will miraculously make me see, Rukayya left the hospital yesterday afternoon angry since the doctor told me there's probability of me not seeing and have to undergo a surgery.

"No ibrahim,
Ibrahim i am your mother and i can understand how frustrating all this is,
The doctor say they will do a surgery on you and we will have to raise atleast 6million for that.....my pause for a while.
"Ibrahim, Rukayya went to her mum's house and as I'm speaking to you right now she says she want a divorce,
I know this isn't the right time to tell you this but I have to,
Ibrahim we will have to sell your house so we can raised money for your surgery."my mum say and i just stay quiet.

"What if the surgery didn't work the doctor mentioned it's a 50%chance."I say.

"But atleast we've try and we will know the next step to take ibrahim,
Rather than not trying at all,
Insha Allah you will get to see and everything will be fine."my mum say in am optimistic voice and i release a heavy breathe.

"Did rukky left with haidar?"I ask as i fold my hand into a fist.

Haidar is at home with your sister,
Ibrahim I'm sorry you have to go through all this,
Insha Allah all of this will be a story someday,
The almighty doesn't test us unless he's sure we are capable of handling it,
Exercise some sabr, right."she say as i feel her hand inside of mine.

I just stay quiet trying to process my life from when i was little till date, there's nothing really enticing about it, grew up as an orphan , had my struggles and then everything was fine and then it all fall apart, I try not to cry but i just couldn't hold them back, blindness just a complete darkness, I never for once think about been in such helpless situation, i don't want to even think about rukayya because the intensifying pain will tripple.


It's been a week since i last went to the hospital, I make the decision to leave that pathetic marriage the moment the doctor told me ibrahim completely lost his eye sight and will have to undergo surgery whatsoever, ibrahim cannot afford the treatment nobody have to tell me for me to know, I left the hospital and head straight to my mum's house,
I gained nothing since I married ibrahim, everything just come to a halt in my life no any progress he's like a badluck or something.

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