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"Wlh I'm sleepy aunty rukky if not because of you I will be at home sleeping."Ahmad say with a sigh as we halt in front of the old building.

"We are not even at the event and you are already sleepy, it's better we go and see what the hype is all about."i say as i re apply my lipstick.

"Go and call ya Bello he's not picking my calls."i say and Ahmad sigh.

"Leave the car on,
The last thing i want is getting all sweaty and ruining my make up."i say and Ahmad chuckle coming down from the car.

Apparently we all decide to go to the dinner, Bello and Ahmad both attended the nikah this morning even do i know deep down they don't want to but I'm glad they went even tho is because of me, i didn't tell Ibrahim we are coming for the dinner, i want to surprise him that way if he sees me he will understand I'm not upset with him getting married and his brother are also not against his decision, nabila was supposed to come with us but her pregnancy is giving her a rough time, i have seen some few pictures of the dinner earlier and I must agreed that the wedding is indeed a grand one, Ibrahim did spend alot, I hope we are not late because it's past 10pm already, i take a few selfies and the gate open making me to look up with a sigh, Ahmad is the first to come out then Bello, he's wearing a navy blue gezner that is sew to perfection.

"Aunty rukky you hear what Bello is saying,
He say you are spoiling me but didn't i deserve to be spoil when I have the best aunty in planet."Ahmad say Making me to smile as the back door open making me to turn back as Bello climb in.

"Why will you even give him a car to drive?
I don't know when Ahmad went to driving school,
You are spoiling him way to much."Bello say Making me to chuckle and turn back as Ahmad maneuver the car back to the road.

"Why won't I spoil him?
He was Haidar favorite uncle,
My haidar is not around so let me treat him like my haidar."I say with a sigh and the two stay quiet.

I know whenever haidar is mention everyone try to avoid the topic probably because they don't want me to be hurt but sometimes i just convince myself that my son is somewhere and I will find him soon.

"Ya Bello you look nice,
I've never seen you this well dressed up let them not mistaken you as the groom or worst Aisha should leave your brother."I say and we both laugh.

"Aisha ai tafi karfina yanzu
She's now a rich man wife were will I see money to marry her,"Bello say and i just smile but didn't comment.

"So now i will be calling Aisha Aunty,
Wlh even in her dreams,
Ya ibrahim will just decapitate me into pieces for that to happen."Ahmad say and i shake my head.

"You will call her with respect, beside how many days are left for you to leave the country, it's better you leave with everyone in good time with you,
A rabu lafiya fada akache babu kyau."I say and Ahmad roll his eyes.

"Sometimes i missed your old self,
You re just too nice now,
E dey pain me."Ahmad say and we all laugh as he take the last turn to the event centre.

"Life happens Ahmad and I love the new me."I say sincerely speaking as i look at the crowded parking space, Ahmad find a space at the end of the parking space and park with a tiring sigh.

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